The Making of the Mac n Cheese.

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One night for dinner you decided to make the famous cheesy recipe, Mac n Cheese. You got out the craft box from your cabinet and got out a pot. You then put water in the pot and put the pot on the stove. You waited for the bubbles to start rising from the water. You then took the Cheese packets out carefully form the box, but lil did you know, something had been contained inside the cheese packets.... You put the Mac n Cheese into the pot of boiling hot water and got a large plastic spoon and got to mixing. After a few minutes, the Mac n Cheese was ready to be put out of the pot. You dumped the Mac n Cheese into a special bowl having small holes and then you dumped the Mac n cheese back into its pot. You got out the butter and the milk and you opened the cheese packets. You started stirring the ingredients into the Mac n Cheese. Once it was ready, you put some in a bowl for yourself to enjoy. Before you about to take a bite, you hear a voice yell, "STOP!!!!"

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