Uh Oh...

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"All aboard!" The train conductor ordered, loud enough for Cream Puff to hear from the very back of everyone else who was eager to take the journey to Parfaedia.

Madeleine quite firmly held Cream Puff's young hand, looking down on her as they slowly walked towards the entrance of the train.

"Don't worry, Cream Puff. You're going to love this school!" Madeleine reassured Cream Puff Cookie as her head was facing the shiny, concrete floors. "After all, you have been working so hard to get into this school! You'll make spectacular memories!"

Just as Madeleine finished his encouraging speech toward his sister, everyone had already gotten onto the train.

As Cream Puff Cookie took a step onto the train, she looked back at Madeleine who was faintly smiling with light tears trickling down his eyes. She quickly sprinted back to him, giving him one final hug until she had to leave for the year.

"I'm going to miss you so so much Maddie!" she smiled "And I promise that I'll write to you every single day!"

Just as Madeleine had finished crying, Cream Puff had already run back into the train, giving her brother a hearty wave of goodbye as the doors closed, ready to set away into Parfaedia.


Cream Puff Cookie took a deep breath, walking through the train corridors looking left and right for any empty seats but she was hopeless, only seeing new students talking to each other about the school whilst laughing and smiling.

Eventually, she found a seat next to a cookie who was positioning for her to sit next to him eagerly.

"Come! Come!" he blurted.

Cream Puff didn't hesitate and quickly sat next to the new cookie, who was beaming as if no one had ever wanted to sit next to him before.

"Hi, there! I'm Choco Snickerdoodle Cookie!" he exclaimed bouncing around in his seat with excitement.

"Hiya! Choco Snookerdiddle Cookie! I'm Cre-"

"No, no, no! It's Choco SnICKERdOOdle Cookie! Not SnOOkerdIDDLe!" he nagged as he crossed his arms back in his seat.

"Oh no! I didn't mean to offend y-" being cut off once again by the cookie.

"You know what, I thought we could've been friends, BEST FRIENDS even!" he fumed. "But you can't even get my name right!"

"No, I-" Cream Puff attempted to explain

"Leave me alone, and brush your hair!" 

Cream Puff sat back in her seat annoyed, fiddling with her duffle bag straps until she decided to take out her diary yet again...

My Parfaedian Adventure! By Cream Puff Cookie! [Year 1]Where stories live. Discover now