your power

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Tony: your powers come from your mind. You're really smart, you can understand any language, move things with your mind, speak telepathically, predict the future that sort of thing. You can fly, manipulate metal and stop/slow down time

Steve: You can manipulate sound. You can use Sonic Scream, Echolocation and you can mute people

Thor: You can control light, run really fast and you're good at hand to hand combat

Bruce: You can control nature. Plants, the weather and animals.

Clint: You can heal people, control force fields, and fly

Sam: you can phase through anything

Bucky: Due your wings, you can fly really fast

Loki: Teleportation, and you're really good at using swords

I love coming up with superpowers, comment below what superpowers you would like to have

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2022 ⏰

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