Naturae Furor and Praesidiis Lunae

Start from the beginning

"Stay close, I don't know how safe it is or if you can siphon magic her." Josie nodded. The two started to walk forward the wolf turned and made its way over to the girls. Hope stared at the animal for a minute, what was its name? Her father considered himself the king of New Orleans, her mother was wolf royalty which made her a queen Alpha, and Hope was a loophole born against nature. She was considered a threat to witches, vampires, and werewolves. However she had protected and aided those three factions as well she had helped Raf who was a wolf and the two packs she was alpha of, she'd saved MG a Vampire from dying of a wolf bite, she'd extracted the hallow from her family to get them back togeather, she saved a whole school that had all three factions countless of times, and her birth had turned her father from a ruthless killer to a loving father. All those things she'd done hadn't been going against nature's will, if anything the had balanced it protected it so her wolf name was...

"Hope is that your wolf?" Hope nodded at Josie's question

"Yes, Josie meet my wolf Custos Naturae." Hope said as the wolf took human shape Josie looked at the woman. She seemed to be in her mid twenties had silky long blonde hair green eyes. "Hello Hope we have been through a great loss. A loss of a Mate is never easy for us but fear not for another will come in fact they maybe closer then you expect." The woman said glancing at Josie and smiling before giving Hope her full attention.

"Why haven't we connected before?" Hope asked a hint of annoyance in her voice. "I could've used your help so many times." Hope said thinking of all the times she could've used a guid. "Haven't we? You and I have always fought side by side we share an emotional connection you lost your parents I felt all that pain, when you decided to jump into Malivore to protect everyone I jumped as well, When Josie left I was that voice that feeling that kept telling you something was missing, in battle I have aided you its isn't just Mikealson blood that makes you powerful." The woman said.

"She's right Hope some of the spells you've preformed would've corrupted any other witch." Josie said agreeing with Hope's wolf. "Yes, I am the one who held the darkness at bay but when you put Landon above everyone else including yourself I weakened. This place once full of life and light slowly began to die because you decided to be selfish you expect your friends to trust us but they won't unless you start embracing me." the woman explained calmly.

"Your selfish desires aside, you now know my name meaning I can finally connect with you and teach you techniques only known to that of an ancient crescent." The woman said Josie cleared her throat getting the her attention. "Uh sorry to interrupt you but why am I here?" The woman smiled saying, "you young siphon are here because of your emotional connection to us. You and your sister as well as everyone we care about are what fuels our will to fight, you have been a light in this dark time and I bought you her because you have shown true loyalty to us. So please train with us and help Hope learn the Naturea Furor."

"We are in a plane were time passes differently here Jo, we could be in here for four years and when we wake up you could still make it to lunch." Hope explained when Josie asked how long it take.

"Okay tell he what to do."


Freya eyed her niece in concern she knew she was alive but she didn't know where she was. Yes her body was there but her mind, her soul that could be anywhere. Hope was powerful but what she could do depended on the place she was currently in. She noticed a cut appear on Hope's shoulder blade. "It's begun." Keelin said sitting next to her wife. "Good luck little one." She said quietly.

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