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Having let Tomoe into your room, asleep next to you, tirelessly run through your thoughts and think to yourself upon one that keeps returning. "What was Mikage and that one guy talking about.. Why was he staring at us leaving- was he staring at me? No.. he was staring our way as we left.." you thought
You tossed and turned in bed, forgetting Tomoe was right next to you. Feeling warm arms wrap around you, startled you but his arms kept you still.
This action got rid of your thoughts.. not paying attention to that, you rolled over to see Tomoe still asleep. "He must've did that in his sleep.." you smiled quickly dropping it. "I. Am. Certainly. Not his type.." you thought shaking your head, you pushed him off, and rolled him over covering him in your sheets. Still asleep, he grabbed your sheets and rubbed them on his face and lightly sniffed them, a small grin appeared on his face. Confused, you visited your last thought. "Am I?.. his type?" Your head tilted to the side and you leaned closer to see his further actions with your blanket. 
Tomoe seemingly falls deeper in his sleep, seeing his shoulder relax and head fall deeper into his pillow.
You pulled away from him back into your bed, sitting there in silence. Tomoe already confessed, he kissed you!

Do you fall for him too?

You got up from your bed, and stood above sleeping Tomoe before leaving. Your quiet footsteps never creaked the floorboards. No one could've heard you coming. Standing infront of Mikages door, you hesitated to open without making a noise. So you decided to go through his window..
Coincidentally it was already open, late summer breezes are the best anyways. You slip in, seeing Mikage reading a book next to his bed, with a tiny candle burning next to him.

"I know you were going to come see me at some point y/n" he said softly
"I-.. I was just.." you stuttered still half way through the window
"You came to know what we were talking about.. yes?" He closed his book and laid it on his bed
"Something just isn't right Mikage.. something feels off" you continued in his room through the window, sitting right under the open window
"What makes you say that?" He replied
"Why was he staring?" You added
"Oh he was just making sure we left his palace safe"
"No.. he was staring, that's different"
Mikage hesitated to reply
"Something is going on, and you know" you grew upset
"Now, now Y/N, I'm going to tell you" he replied smiling
"Then?" You leaned in listening
The moonlight illuminated your figure, giving you softness despite you were upset.
"Tomoe has fallen for you. There's no denying that. I have no means in the matter, but I did put you in his place. I knew you were going to be there in the forest, I saw in the future you were going to be a big part in Tomoes life. I haven't seen all the way but I did see that Tomoe loves you very much. As for today, I went over to his place to talk about the matter, and he approves on this match making." Mikage replied innocently
"Match making?" You questioned "me and Tomoe?"
"Yes." He replied
You huffed not completely disagreeing with the decision. Tomoe seemed to be a very nice guy.

"I also seemed your passed before you came.. you've been through such as much as Tomoe before he came here to be my Familiar.." he added
You looked at him confused
"I don't know where I'm from.." you mumbled
"Your village kicked you out, erasing your memories, and throwing you into another dimension. Thus resulting you being here. Youre from another level of the Yokia species. But you have to figure out who you are, here in the land of humans." Mikage said softly
Irritated, you stood up. "How do I go back.." you asked
"Go back? Do you not wish to be here anymore?"
Silence filled the room. The door creaked and slammed open.

"Tomoe!?" You gasped
"Why would you leave?!" Tomoe rushed over to you, gripped your wrists almost shaking you.
You're too stunned to speak, looking at Mikage for approval of Tomoes actions. Remembering he wasn't responsible of Tomoes actions, he merely put you in his path.
You looked back at Tomoe, tears running down his face. His mouth moving, veins popping on his throat. Seeing his eyes glow almost purplish diluted gray in the moonlight. "He must be yelling" you thought
You managed to speak. Speaking softly watching Tomoes face relax and his grip loosen on your wrists.
"What?" He said sobbing
"I was just asking.. I didn't want to go back. I want to be here.." you said
Tomoe pulled away from you. Stepping back and looking back at Mikage. Mikage shook his head, and gestured Tomoes attention back to me.

"Be here with you.. Tomoe"

Tomoes face went from being upset and crying, to soft and gentle. Still crying.

Tomoes knees weakened and now at your feet, hugging your legs.

"Please." He mumbled

Looking back at Mikage, him nodding and picking back up his book.

You bent over to Tomoes level. "I'm not going anywhere.. okay?" You said softly

Tomoe looked up stunned, tears seemed to stop. You raised a hand to cradle his face. Your heart skipped a beat. Your face felt hot.

"Let's go" you whispered looking back at Mikage, reading his book.

Tomoe nodded and followed you out to your bedroom. Hesitated to enter. You paid no mind. You got into bed and rolled over, looking back up to Tomoe at the door. You slid back his futon to yours, and patted it inviting him. Tomoe smirked and softly crawled into bed with you. He cuddled to your chest, and listened to your heartbeat, as he fell asleep.

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