And above all Win also realize that he shouldn't force or impose himself to Bright. If his husband really doesn't care about his feeling, he shouldn't bother about it and only focus more on his work, his career rather than wasting his time proving himself to someone who doesn't even see his worth. He learned to stop expecting anything from his husband, mostly to return back his feelings. Not just once Bright proved him wrong but many time already. He loves Lea like a blind man and he's happy with her so be it. Win is happy too who saying money can't buy happiness but fame bring him joy as well. His fan following increasing every months by millions all around the world, people international actors supporting his work and fanboying. And if ever he will find his prince charming he'll leave Bright for good and live his best Queen size life to the fullest and make lots of babies. He's sure their parents will understand him, they will realize that they made a big mistake by marrying them both. Love should be mutual feeling and it shouldn't be forced, one shouldn't cheat and insult marriage bond but right now he reallh dont care about their toxic marriage. Its better this way Bright mind his mistress only. So from now Win decide to only concentrate on his work and take care about his mental health. He had already stop interfering in his husband's love life, let Bright enjoy his mistress P to his heart content because he gives a damn about them both.

Day had wrapped his arm around Win shoulder he whispered "You're looking so sexy... this sexiness will hunt me and make me do all kind of dirty things once I go back to Spain". Win nudge his elbow in Day gut playfully giggling at his new pervert friend. He teased back whispering "Aren't you being Pervert, His Royal highness". Day laugh chuckling "Am I?.. what you gonna do about it?". He gave challenging look to beautiful and sexy Win who was closer into his arm in a side hug. Win smirk retorting "Umm I'd suggest.. Why don't you pin up my pictures up over your bed..You see it will be more easy for you to help yourself". Win wink after saying and giggle at their crazy flirting level. As the day pass Day and Win got closer flirting, talking non stop about everything and anything, Day was great company to Win, it help Win alot to forget about his husband and his illi.cit affair. Day couldn't agree tho he whisper back "Perhaps I must take your suggestion.. now I'm contemplating whether to release this ad or keep you for my eyes only". Win laugh shaking his head. He turned to look in Day eyes, but he realized that Day was looking at him like he hung stars and moon for him. There was so much adoration for him which literally made Win emotional all of a sudden. His eyes glisten sudden thinking how wonderful it could be if ever Bright look at him like Day does. He can feel love for himself when Day is around.

Day silently look serious asking by raising his chin in response Win just shook his head making Day rub his hand soothingly on Win's arm in comfort. Then he announced keeping Win close "Guys, Congratulations. You all did a great job, this calls for a celebration...". Everyone shouted loudly as they began packing up. Day grinned at Win saying "And You beautiful, hurry up put on something and let's go celebrate". Win nods and silently walk into his room direction. Win doesn't know what to do with himself anymore. He was so cufused with his feelings. There's Bright who doesn't want him, break his heart each time he decide to pick them up. Bright makes him feel worthless. But deep down his heart longed for Bright's love and care. Then there's Day who make him feel so love and he genuinely care, he makes him feel at ease, he's comfortable and feel good about himself. In last few days Day had become one of his closest friend they jokes, flirt and teased with each other and Win is thankful that Day is here when he really needed someone who reminds him that he's worth it.

Win had decided to live his life on his own term. He will try to be happy, if not something atleast he can be good friend with Prince Day even though Bright hate the man guts. Win spend lot of good times together with Day recently. Sometimes he had dinner in Day office, or they went in a restaurant with whole team in the name of bonding and what not. With Day around Win felt easy to distract himself from the pain and hurt. Day never failed to show Win how much he admire his beauty and respect his talent and the amount of effort Win put in his work. Working in this industry was one of the best things Win had done in his life. He had find some good people who likes him and respect his hard work, this industry gave him millions of fans who acknowledge his talent, admire his work, good co star friend, admirer who appreciates his acting skill. This industry given him opportunity to grow and succeed in life. It had given him more reason to smile and be happy. Soon Win reached in to his room to get fresh and get ready to celebrate. Once he reach inside the room, he breath out and went to check his phone for some reason. Win sigh dont know why but he felt his chest tighten when he realized there's not a single message or missed call from Bright. Its been three days he left house for outdoor shoot, he tried to make himself busy in work but now when its all done he don't know what to do. Win left house without meeting his husband. The thought of Bright made his heart feel heavy maybe his so called husband busy taking care of his mistress.

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