Chapter 16

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Girl: By the way, I am Katharine. And I am doctor. I'll help you to get better.
Y/n smiled and answered.
Y/n: I am really happy to meet you. If you weren't here, I would be dead. Thank you very much. I am Y/n, by the way.
Girls smiled and continued their way. After 20 minutes of walking they have reached Katharine's house.
Katherine: Welcome to my house. It's not that big enough, but we are dealing with it.
She showed a room for Y/n. Y/n lay on the bed and started to get rest.
Y/n: Thank you again.
Katharine: Saving lifes is my job.

POV Five
It was morning, a beautiful day without Y/n, thought Five. Then appeared Allison.
A: Morning Five.
F: Morning Allison.
A: Have you seen Y/n? I can't find her since yesterday. She sleeps in one room with you.
Then Allison lowered het voice and continued.
A: I also wanted to ask her about you.
Klaus came down and didn't give Five time to answer.
K: Hi guys! Have you seen Y/n?
F: Why are you all searching for her?
K: Because, my dear Five, she was with Ben yesterday. And now I need her, so she can find Ben for me.
F: Stop caring about Y/n! She is not here! I mean not in this timeline.
A: What?
K: Is she in future?
F: Yesterday we were arguing because she came home really late. She was walking there all alone!
K: No, she wasn't alone she was with Ben.
F: Whatever. So I got mad and send het to past. So she can learn that she was wrong.
K: And exactly, where did you send her?
A: I think Ben is in the past with Y/n. I guess you accidentally send Ben there too.
F: I don't know exactly, I have taken one of my formulas.
A: But you remember formula right?
F: Of course I do.
A: So right now! GO AND GET Y/N BACK!
Allison started to yell, because what Five have done was really bad.
F: I won't, she needs to learn from her mistake.
K: Come on Five... At least check if she is okay.
F: Okay, I can check on her.
Five teleported using the same formula, which he have used for Y/n.
F: ☁️Oh shit. I put Y/n in the war!☁️
Someone shot at Five, since it was war, no one cared, they just were shooting each other. Fortunately Five teleported back to Academy with scared face.
A: What's wrong Five?
F: I have put Y/n in the memory of war.
A: You are the worst brother ever!
F: I'll go back after her.
A: What if she is dead?
K: I can check that.
A: Do it faster Klaus!

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