Chapter 4

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"Don't ask stupid questions. Don't try to be a hero if anything happens. Just try to be the background. I'm sorry, Raelle but this is my investigation and I need to know if it's Alban's work... somehow." Scylla pulls up in front of the prison in The Cession and gets out of the car.

"Yes, detective Ramshorn. I'll stay behind and listen." The blonde gets out of the car as well and follows her partner inside of the building. They walk upstairs and gets through a small gate with check up for anything illegal.

A guard let's them inside the criminal department and opens the door for them so they can talk with Alban Hearst without getting too close. The light inside the man's prison cell is turned off.

Quiet sounds of movement among the shadows come from inside of the room. Alban jumps against the grids grasping the metal poles with his awfully gigantic hands. "Welcome, welcome... detective Ramshorn. How pleasurable sight. I've heard you've been having a hard time lately. How's your mother?"

The man smirks widely from ear to ear. Raelle's standing behind Scylla with her back against the wall just watching and listening waiting for the brunette to start giving Alban the questions. "Oh, you've got a new pupil. How interesting, isn't it?"

Hearst laughs devilishly. By the tone of his voice, the laugh and chaotic eyes Scylla can tell that being locked up makes the man go crazy. The smell around the prison cell confirms Scylla's speculations.

Alban Hearst haven't left the prison and The Cession since he had been locked up. It must have been somebody else who kidnapped Libba. But certainly, that person knows Alban's tricks and style. Almost everything matches up with the case from 10 years ago.

"Listen to me, you're just an another criminal disaster walking on Earth. I locked you up many years ago. You've gotten only older, stinker and crazier. But I'm better now, I'm in charge here and you know what." Scylla steps closer to the grids with a wide smile. "You've got a fan out there... and that person nailed it." The brunette whispers into Alban's face teasing the man to break him.

Hearst grabs Scylla by her throat and squeezes it as hard as he can. They look into each other's eyes, in Scylla's fear, in Alban's anger. Raelle quickly pushes the man away deeper into his prison cell. Ramshorn takes a few steps back and deep sharp inhales after getting cut off of air.

"You alright, Scyl?" The blonde checks her partner completely losing track of the distance between the two. She's now cupping both of Scylla's cheeks as the girl's holding onto her throat still feeling Alban's hands on it.

"Yes, thank you..." Ramshorn whispers to Raelle and puts a hand on the girl's shoulder glad that she's together with her. Scylla coughs lightly and sighs. "Let's go. I've got everything I needed."

They walk out the room and leave the prison. Scylla becomes silent on their short walk to the car. She's deep in her thoughts, figuring out what should they do next to get closer to Libba's kidnapper.

"Drive, Collar. I need to make a call." The brunette throws the keys at Raelle and gets inside the car on the passenger’s side. "Just to get us killed on the way." Scylla says too seriously for it to be a joke, but Raelle smiles softly.

"Hey, I'm an excellent driver, Ramshorn. Stop making me so clumsy, it was one time with that coffee." The blonde chuckles and rolls eyes. She gets inside the vehicle as well and starts the engine.

"Yeah, you spilled coffee on yourself while wearing a white button down. Should I mention that you spilled it over your whole pants too? It was a disaster, Rae." Scylla smiles while buckling the seatbelt.

"You remember what I was wearing? Can you remind me if I had my glasses on?" Raelle looks over at her partner teasing the girl. Scylla shakes her head with a wide smile and bites her bottom lip with a small giggling huff at the end. The blonde steps on gas driving off the prison's parking lot.

"You don't wear glasses." Ramshorn mumbles quietly and takes out her phone to call Alder to confirm that Alban is still in the prison. She picks out the number from her contacts and waits for the woman to take the call.

"Good morning, it's general Sarah Alder here. What do you want Ramshorn?" The older woman rolls her eyes when she hears Scylla laughing on the other side while Sarah's introducing herself through the phone.

"You know, I imagine how it feels to pick up hundreds of calls and say it over and over again. Your job must be quite boring for being a general, Sarah. But, anyways, I've got great news. Alban's still in his prison cell as crazy as he was. There's no worry that it was him, but still someone kidnapped Libba and there are too many coincidence for it to be just a random person. I think we're looking for Hearst's fan."

Alder shifts in her seat and turns towards Anacostia who's sitting in front of her desk. "Yeah, okay. We'll take care of that. Once,  you're back at the station, I have something for you. I think you'll be happy to have another pair of hands to help."

General hangs up and Raelle looks over at her partner. "Were you talking with Alder like this? How long do you know her? She treats me differently." Slight pouts spreads across Raelle's lips as the girl turns right to join expressway.

Scylla chuckles at the blonde's facial expression and looks out the window. "Oh, well... we've known each other since I came back to Salem after finishing college. She was always taking care of us and all I can give her back is my gratitude and friendship. She's like a that one aunt that is always there to help but has her rules, you know." The brunette picks out another phone number out of her contacts and calls Byron.

"If it's about work I didn't pick up. I'm on speaker so better watch out what you're saying, Ramshorn." Byron starts the conversation and plops down on the couch next to Eliot. "What's up? How are you, Scylla?"

The brunette smiles at her friend and leans against the window with an elbow. "I'm okay, although it's been tough lately. I need to talk to you, By. It's um, it's very personal... can we meet tonight? I won't take you long. I just have to talk with somebody that I can trust..." Scylla turns eyes away from Raelle not wanting to make the blonde feel offended.

"Y-yeah, sure Scyl. What is it about?" Byron quirks a brow and looks over at his fiancé concerned about the girl's voice and worry in it. "Just to be sure, you're alright, right?"

"Yes, yes of course. It's not something for the phone, By. I will come over tonight, is that okay with Eliot?" The brunette's worried about Byron's boyfriend's opinion since it's their proposal holiday and she doesn't want to piss off her friend.

Eliot waves a hand at the phone with a small huff. "Honey, don't worry about it. I can tell you need a hug and I already know that By would meet up with you anyways. We could use a visit from you, sweetie, plus a break from days spent in bed might be healthy."

Scylla smiles hearing that her friends don't mind her bothering their vacation. "Okay, thank you so much. I'm already lighter on my soul. Thank you, guys again. See you tonight, we'll talk more. I have work now. Bye!" A short bye comes from the other side of the phone too and the brunette hangs up.

Letting out a small sigh Scylla tunes up the radio without a word. Raelle looks over at her partner then back at the road. "Everything okay?" She asks wanting to be sure that Ramshorn trusts her even though they aren't friends, yet. "Do you want me to drop you off somewhere once we get back to Salem?"

"No, no... it's okay. I'll walk from the station. Alder mentioned that she has something for me so I need to visit her before going home." Scylla walks a hand through hair and corrects her cotton blazer. "I'm sorry for the private call if you mind me cutting you off. It's just- I don't know you... yet."

Ramshorn tries to explain so the blonde won't feel uncomfortable around her. "I trust you as a co-worker... but I don't want to offend you. Maybe we could go out some day to get to know each other better, if you want to? Of course, once we're off looking for Libba."

Raelle nods while grasping the wheel. "Yeah, sure. That would be nice. I'll let you know when my calendar's clear, so we can arrange a date, you know, just in case." A hot wave of nerves and stress goes over Collar's body. She holds the steering wheel tighter not realizing it.

"You don't have a calendar... I- um, accidentally saw a text from Vira, you know, about your date night. I'm sorry if it sounds rude. I was just looking for you." Scylla blushes slightly as she says it out loud sounding like a stalker.

"Oh, really? Yeah, we had a date or two..." Raelle teases seeing how red the brunette's cheeks get. "You know, dinner, movies, bed..."

"I don't need to know the details. Vira's my ex, so keep them for yourself. Or actually, never mind... my schedule's full too and we have an investigation to close up. Let's focus on that then you'll probably come back where you came from and get the congrats for solving my case." Scylla goes over the edge and lets her tongue talk for her.

The blonde's smile fades and she tunes the radio up. "Rude..." Raelle mumbles under her nose and steps on gas harder.


They pull up at the police station parking lot. Raelle stops the engine and gets out of the vehicle. She fidgets with the car keys on the way to the building.

"Raelle, wait!" Scylla follows the blonde and stops her by the front entrance to the station. "I'm really sorry. I didn't want to offend you. If you're still up to go out, we can grab a coffee tomorrow. I'm moody lately, it's difficult for me too."

Raelle looks at the slightly shorter girl in front of her. "But- are you still mad for the ex?" She slowly reaches with her hand for Scylla's gently brushing their pinkies.

The brunette shifts in her place and looks down at their hands, fingers tangled. A small smile appears on Scylla's lips. "I think I just got over it." Ramshorn says swiftly and takes her hand away when a co-worker in police suit walks past them. She clears throat and walks the guy away with her eyes then smiles at Raelle with cheeks slightly red.

"I guess, I'll see you tomorrow, right?" The blonde looks into Scylla's ethereal blue eyes and smiles softly. Looking into the girl's eyes makes Raelle's heart flutter as she feels like drowning in the ocean but still feeling safe.

They lock eyes for a few long seconds and Scylla doesn't realize she should probably answer and stop staring at her partner. "Mhm..." It was all she could get out of herself.


Scylla walks over to her desk and sets down her stuff before heading towards Alder's office. The older woman's waiting inside for the brunette to come in. "Finally, took you longer than I assumed. Since everything's great with Alban and we're ready to get back to work, here's my gift for you..."

After Scylla walked inside of the office she closed the door behind herself and took a step towards Alder's desk. When the woman point with her hand to the behind Ramshorn's back, the girl turns around and sees Anacostia, her old friend.

"Oh my Goddess... how is that even- Sarah, you, how did you? I thought-" Scylla jogs over to Quartermain and hugs the woman. "It's been years since the last time we saw each other. Damn it, you haven't changed a bit, Costia."

"Oh, Ramshorn neither have you! Look at you, you're getting old, lady!" Anacostia playfully punches Scylla's arm and they both laugh at each other. "It's good to see you and this place again. Unfortunately, the circumstances could be better but it is what it is. I'm glad to be in the team again."

The brunette smiles at her friend and looks back at Sarah. "Thank you. I have an idea what to do next. We need to look for any journalists, photographers, writers etc. That person wanted to contact with Hearst or tried to. They know how he killed, kidnapped, how he behaved. This person knows too much to be nobody. I talked with Raelle and we think that Libba might not be the last if we find her or her body soon. That person could try to prove that they're better than original crime."

"Copied. We need everyone on board. Tomorrow I'll call a meeting so you can give people work to do. This time we can't let it go too far. If we're fast enough, Libba can still be alive. Welcome back Anacostia. It's good to have you here." Alder announces to the people in her office.

The two women look at each other and they both leave Alder's office. "So, Ramshorn... who's Raelle? Sounds like a perfect name for a bride for you." Scylla's friend jokes and bumps her hip into the girl's waist.

"She's just here to help... but she's made of great girlfriend material if that's what you're asking about." The brunette says after looking around to check if Raelle isn't somewhere near. "We're going out for a coffee tomorrow. How about you? Is there any more place for someone to plug themselves in your heart?"

"No, I'm good just by myself. Maybe soon I'll have to start to look for someone before I get too old and I'll have to spend the rest of my life with cats or dogs or even worse." Anacostia and Scylla laugh lightly at each other.

"Do you have free evening? We're finished for today since it's late, there's nothing new for the case and I'm tired. I'm going to visit Byron now, you can join me. Eliot will be happy to see you." The brunette offers and Anacostia raises a brow.

"I've heard they are engaged now. What a lucky guy from our Byron, huh? Remember when he was with that stripper? They went for a dinner with Byron's mother and he dancer for her." Scylla bursts out in laugh when Anacostia reminds her of the story.

"I really missed you, Costia. You're the head of this place and without it's just boring here. You made me who I am right now." Ramshorn rests a hand on Anacostia's shoulder. "Thank you."

"Scylla you need to stop or I'll tear up and this will look bad." Quartermain chuckles. "C'mon let's go you little sentimental mess."


Scylla knocks at the door and after a few seconds Byron opens. Anacostia smiles at the boy and she earns the smile back. "Holy shit- you're still alive?!" The brunette boy steps out of his apartment and hugs Anacostia.

"Come in, we made some dinner or actually a call so it's just Chinese but come in." Byron steps aside letting the girls walk in and greet with Eliot.

"You two just shine since you're engaged. I can't wait to see you glowing the sunlight at the wedding. It will be such a cute moment." Scylla hugs her best friend and he gives her a comforting look. The brunette nods at Eliot as the four of them sit around the table.

"Fast food is my favorite thing to buy. It's cheap anti-stressing action of the day. And after all day spent in bed with no energy left... there aren't many options." Eliot says with a mouthful of soy pasta. He smiles at his fiancé and Byron blushes slightly.

Scylla feels her heart warm up. "You guys, are so sweet and I wish I could have what you have. It's beautiful, forever and mutual. You're happy together and it makes you live 200% of your lives. That's just so beautiful..." the brunette puts down the sticks and sniffs.

"Damn, Ramshorn... you got weak over the time I was gone. Hey, just don't cry at the table. You know, how it works." Scylla chuckles at Anacostia's words and she nods wiping a single tear that formed at her bottom eyelid.

Byron reaches out for Scylla's hand and squeezes it gently. "We're here for you, hun. No matter what you did or who you are. Friends are forever. We are." The boy smiles softly at Scylla and she nods a him.

"Thank you. I'm officially clean for a month. Maybe it's just the beginning but I'm proud of myself and I will keep going until I feel free again. Now, I have a strong reason and purpose... some of my previous actions can't be forgotten or explained and some soon will become beautiful." Everyone keeps their eyes on the brunette as she takes a small break to think. Slight hint of worry, fear and happiness hidden behind Scylla's voice.

"I'm pregnant."

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