"Naruto took care of gaara. He changed him" said Hiruzen.

"How" asked Gaara.

"Because we are same. I'm also a jinjhuriki. I know how you feel" said Naruto.

"You don't know anything about me" said Gaara.

"Huh, you don't know anything about me too" said Naruto.

"Enough. Gaara you'll see in your future what we are talking about " said Hiruzen.

"What about me" asked Kankuro.

"Girls were rejecting you" said Kiba.

"What" shouted Kankuro.

"Yeah, we saw in Shikamaru's future, when he went to get permission to marry Temari, Gaara told Shikamaru that girls are rejecting Kankuro" said Kiba laughing.

Kankuro rolled his eyes and Temari and Shikamaru blushed.

Shikaku and Yoshino made eye contact with each other and smiled.

Shikaku whispered in Shikamaru's ears.

"We both got troublesome woman son"

Shikamaru nodded.

"I heard that old man" said Temari.

"What did he say" asked Yoshino to Temari.

"He said that they both got troublesome woman" said Temari.

Yoshino bonked Shikaku's head.

Everyone laughed.

"Lord Fukasaku is late" said Kakashi.

"Out of all people, you are talking about being late sensie?" Said Sakura.

Everyone chuckled.

"Hokage-sama, if we allowed orochimaru for experiments and his other stuff, he'll suspect why we changed our heart suddenly and he can stole that orb" said Kazekage.

"He'll not suspect because I'll tell him the truth" said Jiraiya.

"Why" asked Hiruzen.

"Because he's a snake summoner and also there's a possibility he might have learnt Snake Sage Jutsu from 'Ryūchi Cave'. If he has Snake sage Jutsu he can't enter Mount Myoboku. So there's no way he can stole the orb" said Jiraiya.

In the corner of room Girls were talking with Temari.

"So Temari, how do you feel about our Shikamaru Nara" asked Ino.

"I barely know him right now" said Temari shrugging.

"Well, your son was cute" said Sakura.

"Son?" Asked Temari surprised.

"Yes. He is ditto copy of Shikamaru but he has your eyes." Said Tenten.

"He i-is a-also b-bestfriend of m-my s-s-son" said Hinata joining the conversation with crimson red face.

"Your son huh, who's your husband" asked Temari.

Hinata blushed and looked at Naruto.

"That blond one" asked Temari.

Hinata nodded.

"He acts like fool" said Temari.

"Yeah but he's my fool" said Hinata.

"Woah, that was unexpected from you hinata" said Tenten.

"Did something happen when Naruto took you that day" asked Sakura.

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