"Oh no, absolutely not she is a child she isn't dating anyone" cabir said

this made me smile seeing how cute he is towards me, I dont agree that im a child but he is right I dont wanna date anyone especially not after my past, it is just not gonna happen

"She is not a child" navya said

"Yo Nandini would be adorable with sahil" mukti said

"He is fucking doucebag" cabir said

"Okay relax my dudes, I aint dating anyone" I said laying down on the bean bag putting my feet out on the floor

"Eww get your stinky ass feet off me now" mysterious eyes said

"Idiot my feet dont stink but see I have such pretty toe nails, its pink" I siad with a smile

"Gross ass kid"

"Dont call me a kid"

"You are a kid and get your feet off me"

"They are beside you not on you"

"Just move them" he said and I smirked

"Do you like the pink" I asked

"Oh my fucking god she is so annoying" he said to cabir

"Sweetie I like the pink, it matches Navya's" he said making me look at her toes

"Ehhhh navya we matching" I said and she smiled

"Am I really a kid" I asked her leaning on her shoulder

"You are" manik said

"I didnt ask you"

"Shut up"

"Oh dont make me smack you" I said

"Id like to see you try kid"

"Oh hell no, bhai tame him or I am gonna fight him"

"You know what fight me I wanna see how many punches you throw before you get hurt" he said getting up

"Umm no thanks" I said seeing him standing up, he is so damn tall

"No come on"

"Ahhh nooo, get away from me" I said as he stepped closer

"Scared" he asked with a smirk


"Manik sit down" cabir said and he chuckled sitting down

"I hate him" I whispered to navya

"You don't" she replied

"Oh I do"

"Feelings are mutual kid" he said strumming his guitar

"I need you both to stop fighting and arguing like kids" mukti said

"Ya exactly he is a kid too see" I said sticking my tongue out at him

"What are you 2"

"I will end you" I said

"Choti stop it" cabir said

"Tell him na"

"Manik you too, both of you quiet and manik focus" he said while manik just shrugged his shoulders

I put my head on navya's shoulder and they started practicing, honestly as much as I hate manik I love how he plays the guitar. No one sang they were just playing a tune

"You guys are good" I said after a few hours

"Wish we could say the same about you" manik said

"I dont like you but since you just played an amazing tune, I will not argue" I said and he pressed his lips together trying not smile or not to say anything I dont know

"Lets watch the movie" mukti said

Everyone got up and we walked to a movie room, like seriously how rich are these humans. There were snacks and food already placed on the table infant of the seats

Cabir sat with navya then I sat down, manik sat beside me then alia then druv and mukti. Tell me why he sat next to me becasue I dont get it, he hates me yet he sits next to me, I wanted to ask but what if he fights me

The movie started and I put my head on the seat,  was really tired becasue I dont know, I just was, I was exhausted. I was sipping on a coke while watching the movie, cabir and navya were all over each other so I shifted towards manik not wanting to see them sticking their tongue down each other even thought the room was dim

"What do you want" I heard manik whispered

"Sorry, I just didnt wanna see them you know" I said and he nodded

"Baby should we go out" I heard alia

"Quit calling me that and no" manik said

I chose to ignore it cause why wouldn't I. I felt sleepy but I knew I couldn't fall a sleep here so I kept pinching myself to keep my eyes open

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