Koumei x Reader - Shy

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You as Koumei's wife were tasked with the job of taking care of the man because if we were being honest he would let no one but you do anything for him. Sure during battle and when he was using his Djinn he was confident enough but outside of that he avoided people as much as possible, except for his brothers and you of course. 

And really when it came to his brothers that only included, Kouen and Kouha. Back to the main topic, this man was so shy that he would go out of his way to stay away from everyone, even the servants. It scared them to the point that they thought that they would be executed because they had done something to displease a member of the imperial family when in reality they hadn't done anything at all and it was just Koumei being shy. 

You had known each other since you met each other at six years old when your marriage had been arranged. Luckily for you two, you had fallen in love and everything before you got married so there were no issues on that front. That also means that Koumei trusted you enough to take care of him, which automatically shot you up so that you were his main caretaker, right after Kouen who had been forcing the stubborn boy to brush his hair and bathe since they were toddlers. 

Back to the current situation you were on the verge of screaming if that was what it took to drag Koumei from the library so he could sleep. You knew that he didn't like you nagging so you tried as hard as you could not to but it just got to be too much when he spent three days straight in the library with no sleep. It wasn't just the fact that you were sleeping alone in your bed, in fact, that was only a small piece of it you were just worried for his health. Part of the reason he had such bad skin was that he didn't sleep enough and you didn't want him to have another reason to be insecure. Because no matter what whenever he faltered in any way possible let it be being too slow to catch an insult thrown his way or failing to notice something happening around him it was always commented on with disdain. That was one of the many reasons that he didn't like people as a rule. 

"Koumei, do not make me scream or go fetch your brother. I do not wish to interrupt your work but it is pointless if you can barely keep your eyes open to read a scroll." You pointed out from where you leaned against the wall watching the hunched-over figure of your husband. He sighed and looked at you with sunken in eyes. "I guess you are correct in that matter." He muttered to himself and put the scroll back in its holder before rising and walking over to you with a tired smile. "Will you come to bed now?" He nodded and grinned before wrapping you up in his arms. You smiled to yourself and hugged him back before leading him back to your bedroom so he could finally get some sleep. 

You were just relived that you hadn't had to call his brother, because you had had to do that several times before and that always ended in a argument. Normally of course Koumei would never dare disobey his brother but whenever he was sleepy he was always in some sort of mood so that sparked an argument with a slightly intolerant Kouen. 

You stripped off his outer robe with ease and flopped him down on the bed. He moaned at the softness of the sheets that he hadn't felt in several days. He grabbed a pillow that was next to him and pulled it close to him and buried his face in it. You just smiled at him and folded up his robe before reaching down to regretfully pull his head out of the pillow. He whined and buried his face in your robes instead as you removed his metal hairpiece and earrings. You finally left him to lie down in pace by himself thankfully enough. 

After setting his jewelry on the dresser you walked back over and flopped down on the bed next to him, on your side of the bed. Koumei instantly wriggled his way over to your side and flopped over you, putting all of his weight on you. You groaned but didn't say anything just wrapped your arms around him and turned over. The two of you were nose to nose, his eyes were already closed so you assumed that you were still asleep. "Goodnight your majesty," You muttered and kissed his brow. His eyes briefly flickered open and he smiled at you, "As I love you, princess." He returned and kissed your cheek before his eyes slipped closed. You didn't mind being married to the shy prince at all, as long as he would do the menial things with you, such as sleep in the same bed and most of all get enough sleep. As unlikely as that was. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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