Judar x Reader - Peaches

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Yes, I am doing the cliche peaches thing, as does everyone. 

"Y/nnnnnn." "No!" You snapped at the man child that was hovering over your shoulder as you carried a basket of sweets to the kitchen. "These are for the cooks, that's all that En-Nii said anything for all I know they could be poisoned because one of them pissed him off" You snorted. Judar pouted for a moment before finally deciding to shut his mouth and he just floated behind you as you walked towards the kitchen. The entire reason that he was bugging you, to begin with, was that there were a bunch of peach-flavored sweets in the basket, and of course, he wanted them. 

His silence was somewhat blissful but it was sort of unnerving. You were about to turn around and ask him what was the matter when you felt a pair of slender arms wrap around your neck and the rest of his body press against your back as he positioned himself on your back. He rested his head on his own forearms. You didn't say anything and just shook your head shifting the basket over to only one arm and using the other to support his legs that were wrapped around your waist. 

"You're a child." You muttered once you reached the kitchens and pushed the doors open. "Your Majesty!" All of the cooks exclaimed and bowed immediately. You just waved them off and handed them the basket and nodded at their thanks before leaving the kitchens with a sigh. 

Judar sighed right next to your ear as you walked towards the library where your two eldest brothers were. You smiled to yourself and reached up to run your fingers through his shorter hair that couldn't be pulled into his regular braid. "Don't pout at me" You muttered. He didn't say anything just continued to hang onto you like a child. 

You walked into the library and both of your brothers instantly looked up, rolled their eyes, and went back to their scrolls. Kouen just shook his head while doing that "Did you give the sweets to the cooks?" "Yes, what was that about, did you poison it or something?" Koumei tried to stifle his laughter but mostly failed. Kouen sent him a glare before looking at you and shaking his head, "No actually, Koumei informed me that he heard one of the servants talking about how rude we are and how they are going to start giving us subpar food and everything." 

You raised your eyebrow surprised, "They said this in front of you?" Koumei looked up briefly from the scroll and shook his head before burying his head back into it. You just smiled at him, you knew how shy he was because he was only a year older than you so you had grown up as his translator for his silent muttering. "No, they didn't, he was hovering around the corner waiting for them to stop talking to each other so he could ask them for a snack." Kouen snorted. 

You laughed a little jolting Judar who grunted and tightened his arms around you. "Sounds like Koumei, so you gave them sweets to appease them so they would keep giving you midnight snacks when you spent too much time in the library?" Kouen nodded. "So they aren't poisoned or anything? Nothing was added to them?" Another nod. 

You smiled before reaching into your pocket and pulling out two delicately wrapped peach candies. One for you and one for the pouting man on your back. Judar had heard the crinkling of the wrapper and his head shot up from where it had been resting on his arms. "Here you go," you said handing him one of the candies. He took it and held it in his hand before smiling a great big grin at you and popping it into his mouth, hardly taking the time to remove the wrapper. 

He hummed in delight and hugged you tightly around the neck before hopping off your back and floating off somewhere. You shrugged your shoulders wondering what that was about, "Gyokuen took his wand for the day so he could experience what it was like without magic. As you can see he can still use all of his powers, it did put him in a terrible mood though." Kouen commented as he went back to reading his scroll, the interruption sufficiently finished. Huh, Judar the most stubborn person you knew had been in a bad mood, and all it took to fix said mood was handing him a single candy. Funny how that worked.

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