part 3

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Previously on An Invite To The Jungle

Ryder and the pups all get ready to go to the farm to deal with the problem while Carlos and tracker stays at the lookout waiting for their return.

Tracker: " So, when are you going to ask Ryder to go on a date with you? "

Carlos: " I don't know, we don't even know if he will say 'yes' to coming to the jungle, but Tracker this was your idea! "

Tracker: " Well.. I want to spend some time with Chase in the jungle. I were going to invite Jake and Everest along with the Cat Pack so it will be more fun! "

Carlos: " Well your asking if you could invite them, not me. "

Tracker: " Oh alright. "

(Meanwhile with the Paw Patrol)

Farmer Al: " Oh thank you Paw Patrol! "

Ryder: " Anytime farmer Al! "

On the way back home Marshall asked Ryder what was his decision of going to the jungle.

Marshall: " So, Ryder what is your decision of going to the jungle? "

Ryder: " Well Marshall I don't know, I will have to talk to Carlos about the details. "

Marshall: " Oh is it because Carlos might invite someone else? "

Ryder: " Yes it is. "

When they got back all the pups wanted Ryder to decided on going or not but they knew they had to wait.

Ryder: " Hey Carlos, are you inviting someone else? "

Carlos: " Well yes! Jake, Everest, and the Cat Pack but this was Tracker idea, not mine. "

Tracker: " Carlos!! Why you rat me out!! "

The pups, Ryder and Carlos laughing at tracker disappointed face.

The pups, Ryder and Carlos laughing at tracker disappointed face

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Ryder x Carlos/Chase x TrackerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin