Part 2

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Previously on An Invite To The Jungle

Carlos: '' Hey pups! "
All Pups: '' Carlos is here!! ''

Rocky: '' Carlos!! What are you doing here? ''

Carlos: '' Well, I was going to ask ryder something- ''

Rubble: '' OH OH!! Are you going to ask Ryder to go on a date with you!? ''

All Pups: '' Oooohhhhh~ ''

Carlos: '' WHAT no, I'm not going ask him that..well not yet, I was going ask him if he and you guys wanted to come to the jungle for a month, if you are not busy. ''

All Pups: '' Oh! ''

Rubble: '' Aww, you too would look cute together...! ''

Rocky: '' Right!? ''

Skye: '' Guys, he said 'not yet' so he is going to ask him, just got to wait for the perfect time to ask him! ''

All Pups: '' Ohhh~ "

They hear running to see that Chase, Zuma, and Tracker are coming up to them with Ryder. Zuma got there first to tell them that Carlos should tell ryder about the invite to the jungle as a surprise.

Ryder: '' Hey Carlos! ''

Carlos: '' Hey Ryder! ''

Ryder: '' The pups said you had something to tell me? ''

Carlos: '' Well yeah. I wanted to know would you and the pups would like to spend a month in the jungle with me and Tracker ''

Ryder: '' Oh well- ''


All the pups and Carlos sign in defeat knowing they will get there answer after their mission.

Ryder: '' Hello, Ryder here! ''

Farmer Al: '' Ryder help us! We have a big problem here, all the animals are missing, the farm is getting flooded and the barn is breaking and rusting, please help! ''

Ryder: " Uh oh! We would be right there farmer Al! ''

Farmer Al: " Thanks you! "

(I'm skipping when they get suit up because I'm lazy)
Ryder and the pups all get ready to go to the farm to deal with the problem while Carlos and Tracker stays at the lookout waiting for their return.

(I'm skipping when they get suit up because I'm lazy)Ryder and the pups all get ready to go to the farm to deal with the problem while Carlos and Tracker stays at the lookout waiting for their return

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Ryder x Carlos/Chase x TrackerWhere stories live. Discover now