14 | You Run Funny

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To be honest, the perfect Halloween costume was looking Mitch and Eddie right in the face. But both of them were too goddamn stupid to even consider it. It was in Mitch's last name!

"What if people know we're dressed up as Jason and Chrissy?"

Eddie furrowed his brow at Mitch, trying to relight the joint between his fingers, "We aren't dressing up as those two you asshole, we're dressing up as popular kids. It's vague."

They were sprawled out on his bed, the mattress was so uncomfortable but Mitch didn't care, "Eddie, I know you have a crush on Chrissy Cunningham."

"She's like 16, that's weird."

Mitch propped themself up on their elbows, "I'm 17, jackass." They deadpanned.

He rolled his eyes, "That's totally different. That one year is a complete change in maturity." Eddie tossed the lighter onto his desk, "Plus–we're not dating so it's not weird." That made Mitch scoff in response, they flopped back down.

"Yea whatever, but you didn't deny it."

"What's wrong, Addams, you jealous?"

"You are such a dick, Edward." The sound of him coughing violently made a smile grow on Mitch's face, "And for the record–no, I wouldn't be jealous. Just like–" They took the joint from him, "mildly confused."

He was still fighting for his life after Mitch laid down to do tricks with the smoke. "You promised you'd never call me that."

"What? It's your name!" They argued.

"If I called you Michelle you'd kill me."

Mitch jumped up, "Yea? Because that's not my name, Eddie. At least you still like... fit in with your birth name. Mine makes me literally want to hurl. What makes it worse is that it's not even like... it's not even a bad name or anything. I just feel disgusting whenever people call me Michelle. Especially my moms–because she loves that fucking name so fucking much."

The air became heavy in the smoky room. Eddie didn't argue any further–he didn't understand Mitch's issue with their name and being called a girl–not like they did. But he did know it wasn't his place to question them. He'd just respect his friend, even if Mitch annoyed him endlessly.

"Sorry." He muttered and took the joint gently, "Won't say it ever again–promise."

Mitch smiled gingerly, "Kay, Munson. Won't call you Edward again."

Even with how weird things have been–Mitch and Eddie still always found that sweet spot. Despite their bickering and that underlying tension of unsaid things... they were still best friends. And Mitch loved being able to fall back onto Eddie no matter what.

"I don't even know if they're coming, it's literally haunting me." Mitch groaned into their hands as Robin patted their back.

"If they don't then screw them–didn't they like drop you after you said you were leaving?"

Mitch shrugged, "Kinda? I dunno–I didn't get to see the aftermath in person. Faith said that Mai tried making me out to be this kinda villain. I was literally 14."

"You were so dorky when you first got here." Robin snickered at her memory of 14-year-old Mitch. "I mean the haircut was brutal man."

"Shut up, Buckley! At least I didn't have braces."

Robin gaped at them, "Hey! those were a gift from my rich aunt Janet." She smiled obnoxiously in Mitch's face just to prove a point and they made a gross face in response. "No wonder you're single when you make faces like that."

That kinda stung–but Mitch wasn't one to back down. "Oh screw you, you run funny!"

"HOW DARE YOU!?" Robin's impersonation of a British accent absolutely broke Mitch's resolve as they burst into a fit of laughter. They fell into Robin's chest, shoulders shaking as they held onto their friend for support. "You dare insult, Lady Buckley?" She kept going with that god-awful accent.

"Please, spare me," Mitch begged, finding it all too hilarious.

"Please tell me you two aren't dying out here–"

Robin put on a horrified expression, "Mitch is bleeding out send help–" Mitch felt Steve's hands yank them away from Robin as he looked them over, their face was bright red from trying to contain their own laughter.

They grabbed onto his forearms, a silent laugh leaving their open mouth. Tears were gathering at the corners of their eyes as Mitch tried to fight their laughter. Steve's face wasn't helping either, his eyes were wide with confusion as he looked at Robin for laughter.

"Mitch finds my British accent to be deathly hilarious."

"I can't–" Mitch gasped, "I can't breathe!" They were still laughing, their fingers digging into the pale flesh of Steve's freckled arms.

"Oh my god, I was just kidding about you guys dying please don't die right now!" It was amazing how quickly Steve Harrington could become a nervous wreck.

Mitch was at that point where laughing hurt so bad but they couldn't stop. Even Robin was getting a little concerned, "I think we just gotta wait it out."

They pointed at Robin weakly, leaning their entire weight onto Steve. He didn't push them off–if anything, he was probably glad Mitch wasn't like passed out on the floor. "This is like my worst fear–please help." He pleaded at Robin, his eyes still comically wide.

She shrugged and just watched Mitch carefully. "They'll come down–eventually."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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