02 | Dealer's Choice

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Keith was the bane of Mitch's existence. It seemed like he knew every time they got a new piercing or tattoo–and he'd always have something to say. "You know tattoos aren't very Family Video." He'd said at their interview. But they impressed him with their favorite movies.

"Surprised you even know what Star Wars is," Keith had said which caused Mitch to raise their eyebrows in question, "You don't seem like the type."

"Why? Because I'm female or because I'm a freak?"

He never did give Mitch an answer. But... a job is a job. Besides Keith, Robin and Steve aren't so bad. Steve's kinda annoying but Robin swears he's a good guy.

Mitch has been buddies with Robin since 10th grade. Two queer teens in a small town are like two magnets.

"Addams! Restock the princess section A.S.A.P!" Keith is barking orders right as they entire the store. Mitch ignores him and makes a beeline for the back room. "Hey!" He gives up immediately and Mitch exclaims silently, glad Keith is lazy by nature. He'd rather do it himself than argue with Mitch.

Robin sits on the cracked leather futon with a bag of Lays in her hand, "What's up?"

"Ready to suffer for the next three hours." Mitch deadpanned, tossing their 'dinner' into the fridge. "If Harrington touches my food again I am seriously going to dismember him."

"I'll make sure to tell him that." Robin said with a smile, "You got new ink?" That made Mitch smile, they turned back toward Robin and lifted the material with ease. "Woah, that's huge!"

Mitch nodded, "Uma did it this morning, hurt like a son of a bitch."

They leaned their head on their hand, bored as hell. "I'm taking five. Wanna come Rob?" There was another invitation hidden in Mitch's tone.

"Huh? Oh, no I'm alright." Robin waved them off. Mitch furrowed their brows but nodded, rushing past Keith's turned back for the back door. They propped the dustpan in between the door and glanced around quickly.

"Praise the lord," Mitch mumbled and fished the joint Eddie had given them at the end of 5th period out of their pocket. It was inside an empty chapstick container so it still held its shape. Just a little beat up on the edges. Mitch could care less how it looked–they were like two seconds away from strangling Keith.

They lit the joint up quickly and glanced around again before taking a way-too big hit. Coughs racked their chest as the door pushed open further, Mitch jumped back and twisted–worried Keith had discovered them.

"I thought someone was dying out here." Steve exhales, hands on his waist as Mitch tried to catch their breath. "How do you smoke that shit every day?"

They held the joint out, knowing it was Robin who ratted them out. "Take a hit, Harrington. It'll put some hair on your chest." Mitch said through a slight cough, smirking at Steve. They patted their chest as he rolled his eyes at them.

"As if I need anymore," He mumbled–Mitch shrugged and drew back, "Woah I didn't decline." Steve takes a small hit before Mitch gets their hands back on it. They continue on until there's just a roach left.

"I love renting movies to people when high outta my mind. Good luck Harrington." Mitch patted his shoulder and spritzed him with their perfume as they both went back inside.

The next two hours are spent restocking shelves and doing nothing, weekdays are always kinda slow. Especially because Mitch is out at five. "Hasta mañana, Robin." Mitch hangs their jacket up and salutes their friend.

They've kissed Robin before too. Only those times were more personal than with Eddie. With Eddie there is always weed involved. With Robin it had been that sense of kinship.

"Have fun at Munson's, weirdo." Mitch gave Robin a fake smile before flipping Keith off behind his back. "Drive safe!" Robin managed to get out just as the door swung shut.

"Open the goddamn door Munson, I swear to Go–" The trailer house door swung wide open, Eddie looked irritated to see Mitch. (that was new)

Then his classic pretty boy smile spread on his face, "Knock on my door like that again and I'll stop selling to you." He says as he lets Mitch in.

"Pfft, sure, that'll definitely happen." They quipped, "You'll graduate quicker than you'll stop being buddies with moi."

The pair immediately went to Eddie's bedroom. It was a bit cramped but it was kinda cozy in its own disgusting way. Mitch always puts a clean blanket over the bare mattress. And Eddie always had a clean blanket for Mitch to do so. "New poster?" They asked, pointing to the obviously handmade Hellfire Club poster.

"Dustin made it! It's killer, isn't it?"

Mitch agreed with a nod, "That kid adores you, Eddie."

He shrugged, "I wouldn't go that far–he did call me an asshole today–"

"That's because you are an asshole, Munson."

Eddie flipped Mitch the bird to which they did the same in response, "Lemme see the tattoo, please." His tone was completely different than before.

Mitch jumped up with a smile and lifted their shirt off of their body. It was tossed across the small space somewhere.

He's on his feet immediately, looking at the large lettering spanning across Mitch's stomach. "That is so fucking cool, I mean–Angel? Really? How ironic." Mitch snorted as he kneeled down for a closer look. "Are you high?" Eddie had one of his hands placed on their thigh and Mitch knew what he was really asking.

"A little, guess who smoked that joint with me."

"Robin?" Eddie drummed his fingers on their denim jeans.

Mitch shook their head and glanced up at the ceiling, "Fucking Steve Harrington. Didn't peg him for a stoner."

The look on Eddie's face was that of pure disgust. "You split my joint with Harrington?"

"NO! I smoked most of it, he took at most–like four tiny virgin hits." He leaned back on his heels, obviously turned off from the entire conversation. "Eddie," Mitch called out, leaning to catch his chin with the hand. "Look at me, please."

Dark brown eyes met dark brown. "Don't get jealous, you're still my best friend."

"You smoked with the literal personification of the darkside." He seemed comfortable on his knees, Mitch smirked at that thought.

"Don't be like that, he's... he's alright."

Eddie's jaw dropped as he pushed himself back and then into a standing position, "You think Harrington is alright?"

Mitch groaned as they dug themselves into a deeper pit, "No! What I'm saying is that me sharing the joint with him meant nothing! He was there and so I just–I offered him the joint, okay? And it's not like we're dating so please don't get all territorial." They crossed their arms over their bralette covered chest.

That comment obviously hurt Eddie's feelings as he turned toward his desk where he was previously prepping some things for other clients. "Course not–wouldn't wanna date a freak."

"Eddie what? I don't wanna argue about this again. I like being friends with benefits. Putting a label on it will kill our spark."

"Smoking with Harrington did that perfectly fine." He twisted his ring around his finger, completely avoiding Mitch's eyeline.

They took a deep breath and sighed loudly, "Are we gonna smoke still or am I gonna go home? I know Wayne's knocked the fuck out in his room but if you don't wanna smoke then that's alright–"

"I do want to it's just fuck–why'd you smoke with him? It's making my stomach all weird and shit." Eddie shudders dramatically and drops onto his bed. "Wanna use the bong this time?"

Mitch shrugged, "Dealer's choice." There was so much tension in the air, it made Mitch feel like they were choking.


Chapter 2 already?? Heck yea I am already in love with Mitch 💖 Hope you are too this story might be fast paced and I am unsure if I wanna include season 4's canon happenings yet but please gimme some feedback 😏💖

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