Finally happy

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The two just sat there, hugging in the rain. Not giving two shits about the world, until Ranboo pulled away. " do you want to go back home?" Ranboo said as he looked down at tubbo, " will you come back with me?" Tubbo asked with a big grin on his face. " AYO?" Ranboo said in a jokingly voice, " NOT LIKE THAT DICKHEAD!" Tubbo yelled playfully hitting Ranboo. " I was joking!" Ranboo said laughing trying to catch tubbos hands from hitting his arm. " come on let's go home, you prick." Tubbo said as he pulled his umbrella out, " your choice of words not mine" Ranboo said shrugging his shoulders. Before Ranboo knew it tubbo was pulling is hand and dragging him under the umbrella. " HOLD ON LET ME SHUT THE DOOR!" Ranboo yelled running back up the stairs to the front door, He closed the door and walked back under the umbrella with tubbo. " Okay we are good now! Onward." Ranboo said looking a tubbo, " your stupid, I hope you know that." Tubbo said as he started to walk away, " wow just got back together and your already being mean again." Ranboo said while walking beside tubbo, " I mean I'm just saying you do stupid shit like that, there's nothing wrong with it, It's cute." Tubbo said shrugging is shoulders looking at Ranboo, " so your saying me  not wanting rain in my house is cute?!" Ranboo said looking at tubbo confused, " it's a good thing you royals are pretty." Tubbo said continuing to walk down the sidewalk, " WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Ranboo said running up behind tubbo, he didn't answer. " you confuse me sometimes" Ranboo said in a whiny voice. After walking for a little bit they got back to tubbos house, They walked through the door with everyone staring at them. " is everything okay now?" Philza said looking worried and confused at the two at the doorstep. " it was just a little argument," tubbo said nervously laughing. " Are you sure? Nobody got hurt physically?" Phil asked looking to make sure nobody was hurt. " We're fine, besides tubbo punching me for making a joke." Ranboo said while looking down at tubbo laughing, " WE AREN'T BRINGING THAT UP!" Tubbo said playfully hitting Ranboo again, " do we want to know?" Wilbur said confused, " NO" tubbo yelled while Covering Ranboos mouth. Ranboo couldn't help but laugh. " Well knowing that everything and everyone is okay I will make dinner." Phil said walking into the kitchen, Ranboo and tubbo shut the front door and went upstairs to change out of their wet clothes. They got upstairs to tubbos room and closed the door to change. They picked out their clothes, Ranboo picked out a pare of shorts and a T-Shirt, And tubbo picked out a pare of pajama pants and a hoodie. They both turn in opposite ways to change, once they got done they both said " okay" and put their clothes in the dirty clothes basket. " hey that's my hoodie." Ranboo said as he opened the door to walk downstairs, " Oh well" tubbo shrugged his shoulders as he walked down the stairs. Ranboo followed behind him and they both sat on the couch. They had two couches in the living room and a chair, Tommy and Wilbur were sitting on one couch and tubbo and Ranboo were sitting on the other. And techno sitting in the chair, ( it's his chair and his chair only). " Yknow Ranboo if you and tubbo didn't get back together, tomorrow wouldn't have been a good day for you" Wilbur said as he looked at techno then looked at Ranboo. " good to know- won't be breaking tubbos heart for a while.." Ranboo said in a monotone voice, " WHAT DO YOU MEAN ANYTIME SOON?!" Tubbo looked at Ranboo quickly, " Well you know how the doctor said I might not have long to live, and besides we just make the best of life until then!" Ranboo said looking at tubbo, " your going to kill me if you keep saying that" tubbo said looking at Ranboo through his eye brows. " not as dead as I'll be" Ranboo mumbled under his breath, " what was that" tubbo said looking over his shoulder. " nothing" Ranboo said looking around the room, " sureeeee" tubbo said in a sarcastic voice. " BOYS DINNER IS READY!" Phil yelled from the kitchen while putting everything on the dinner table. All the boys walked to the kitchen and sat at the table. " soooo" Wilbur said as everyone started eating, " anything anyone wants to talk about?" Wil said looming around then started to eat, nobody answered.. " Ranboo.." Wilbur was cut off, " we aren't going back to this topic, it obviously isn't a good one" Ranboo cut of Wilbur. " Why isn't it a good topic it's just a question?" Wilbur asked, " Wilbur that question is a question that started a fight, new subject" Ranboo said as he continued eating, he saw tubbo in the corner of his eye looking at him in the corner of his eye. They both put their hands under the table and held hands while they ate. " how did it start a fight?! Us bringing up you asking tubbo?!" Wilbur asked confused, " Wilbur I hate to break it to you but, you haven't been in a relationship since you were 18 your like what 25 now? You can't just per-presser us into it! When the day comes it comes, you can't just keep asking." Tubbo snapped at Wilbur. " okay but how did it start a fight?" Wilbur asked " Wilbur you can't just keep asking them when they are getting married, they are just now Turing 18, give them time mate" Phil said looking at Wilbur. " And to top it off yeah we have been dating for a while now, but that doesn't mean we're ready. And don't bring up what the doctor said because I fully understand that, and I know my risks in life, but I'm going to wait for when I'm ready to ask, the more you ask about it is just going to push it back more! And how it started a fight was when two barely adults are getting pressured into marriage bye your boyfriends brother, it's a lot of pressure and that's what causes fights." Ranboo looked at tubbo then looked at Wilbur " exactly and don't bring up you and sally because where is sally now? You two moved to fast and had fundy before you even got married, and then sally disappeared and you didn't even take care of fundy, I'm not going to be a shitty dad like you!" Tubbo added on to Wilbur. " Don't bring my family into this! We were to young! And fundy doesn't want anything to do with me!" Wilbur augured back, " EXACTLY! WE SRE THE SAME FUCKING AGE YOU WERE WHEN YOU HAD FUNDY! ARE YOU TRYING TO RUIN OUR RELATIONSHIP?! AND FUNDY DOENST WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU BECAUSE YOU WERE NEVER THERE FOR HIM!" Tubbo snapped and left the room. " Damn it's not that serious! You always run way tubbo! That won't get you anywhere in life!" Wilbur yelled at tubbo, Ranboo got up and followed tubbo into the living room. " WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU WILL?" Tommy shouted at Wilbur, " WHOS SIDE ARE YOU ON?!" Wilbur yelled back at Tommy. " IM ALWAYS ON YOUR SIDE! BUT GODDAMN YOU CAN'T FORCE TWO PEOPLE TO GET MARRIED! TO MAKE IT BETTER YOUR NEITHER OF THEIR PARENTS! BOTH OF THEIR BIOLOGICAL PARENTS ARE ASSHOLES! ALL THEY NEED IS YOU TRYING TO CONTROL THEM!" Tommy got up and went into the living room with Ranboo and tubbo. " they all have a point will, it's really messed up that you keep bringing it up." Philza got up and started to clean up the kitchen, Wilbur and techno just sat there in disbelief. In the living room tubbo, tommy, and Ranboo were sitting on the couch. " I'm sorry that Wilbur is being an ass about you asking tubbo, Ranboo" Tommy apologized to Ranboo. " it's okay tommy it isn't your fault" Ranboo said as he looked at Tommy. " you know what tomorrow I'm going to take tubbo out to dinner and ask him then." Ranboo thought to himself as he got up and went to the kitchen to talk to Phil. " where are you going bossman?" Tubbo questioned Ranboo but he didn't answer. " did I do something wrong?" Tubbo asked Tommy. " Hey Phil!" Ranboo called Phil while Phil was putting away the dishes. " What's up mate?" Phil asked, " can we talk in private? I want to talk to you about something." Ranboo said looking at Wilbur and techno then back at Phil, " sure thing mate come on let's go to my room to talk" Phil said as he put down a plate and walked into the living room and into his room, Ranboo followed behind, Ranboo shut the door behind him and sat on Phil's bed. " Okay Phil I need to ask you something." Ranboo said, " go ahead mate" Phil said standing in-front of Ranboo. " Okay... so I was thinking and I thought about what will said.." Ranboo confessed, " Ranboo mate you don't have to do it if your not ready!" Phil said in a concerned voice, " I want to! And I don't even know if I'll wake up tomorrow! So if I do I want to make the best out of life" Ranboo said looking Phil dead in the eyes. " If that is what you want Ranboo... you have my blessing" Phil said " also follow me," Phil said pulling Ranboo up. Ranboo followed Phil to a box, " what's that?" Ranboo questioned, " here's a ring you can use. A long time ago, when tubbo was a little kid we went to a Jewelry store, and tubbo saw this ring and said " WHEN I GET MARRIED I WANT A RING LIKE THIS!" So I bought it without him knowing, he still doesn't know. I saved it for a day like this, being asked if someone has my blessing. And your the lucky person that has my blessing" Phil said smiling while he put the ring in Ranboos hands. The ring was a black ring with little emeralds around the ring. " Thank you Phil!" Ranboo said as he hugged philza, " your welcome mate, I will hold on to it tonight and tomorrow before you two go out just come in here and grab it." Phil said as he hugged Ranboo, Ranboo let go and walked into the living room with tubbo and Tommy. " what were you doing?" Tubbo asked Ranboo, " I was talking to Phil about some things I had to get off my chest" Ranboo lied. " anyways I'm going to bed I'm tired" Ranboo said as he began to walk up the stairs. " it's only 10pm?" Tubbo said, " yeah but I wanna go to sleep, everything that happened today made me tired." Ranboo said as he stopped by the stairs, " Ok wait for me!!" Tubbo said as he got up and walked up the stairs with Ranboo and into their bedroom. And laid down, " hey tubbo" ranboo said looking at tubbo. " Yeah?" Tubbo said as he looked at ranboo confused, " Do you want to go out tomorrow? Like a little date night?" Ranboo asked, " YEAH!" Tubbo said " THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN!" Tubbo jumped up and hugged Ranboo. They both laughed and went to bed. Ranboo woke up around noon, tubbo was sitting there looking at Ranboo. " Jesus Christ!" Ranboo jumped " what?" Tubbo asked " wHoT" Ranboo mocked tubbo " You scared the crap out of me" Ranboo said as he sat up " Whatever, ANYWAYS what are we doing today? Going to the park going out for lunch? What" tubbo asked while he bounced up and down a excited. " I was thinking we go to the fair downtown, then for dinner we go to a fancy restaurant" Ranboo said, " THAT SOUNDS LIKE FUN! GET UP AND GET DRESSED!" Tubbo shot out of bed and started picking out clothes, Ranboo got up and did the same. Ranboo picked out a nice shirt, a jacket, and a nice pair of ripped baggy jeans with a necklace tubbo had given him for his birthday last year and for shoes a pair of white converse . Tubbo picked out a long sleeve under shirt, with a white and green stripped shirt , tucked in with black jeans, a belt, and some necklaces he has got over the years and for shoes a pair of black vans ( they are wearing long sleeve's because it's near October) . Once they were both dressed they went down stairs, while tubbo was tying his shoes, Ranboo went into Phil's room and grabbed the ring, put it in his pocket and rushed back into the living room. They were both ready so they started to walk out the door. " PHIL WE'RE LEAVING!" Tubbo yelled as they were walking out the door. They started walking to the fair, it wasn't to far it was only about a 16 minute walk. Once they got there they bought their tickets and went to go have the time of their life's. They road all the roller coaster, ate a lot of snacks, and Ranboo even won some stuff animals from some stands with games. They had the time of their life's then left to go get dinner. They went to a fancy restaurant with pasta, after they got done eating it was around 8pm and it was getting dark. Ranboo decided to take tubbo to their favorite hang out spot to propose. Once they got their they started to star gaze, " The stars are pretty!" Tubbo said pointing up at the sky, " They really are! Look there's a shooting star!" Ranboo exclaimed pointing at the sky. " this is the perfect time" Ranboo thought to himself. He sat up and got down on one knee. "Tubbo" Ranboo said to get his attention, " yeah what's up?" Tubbo moved his head to Ranboo then his eyes. Once he saw Ranboo on one knee he sat up, " Tubbo" Ranboo said as he pulled out the ring. Tubbo started happy crying, " Tubbo_minecraft will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Ranboo asked tubbo while holding out the ring that Phil gave him. " YES!" Tubbo said as he hugged Ranboo, Ranboo hugged him back and stood up, spinning in circles like they were a couple in a movie. Ranboo put Tubbo down and put the ring on his finger, " Wait!, this is the ring I've wanted since I was a kid?! How did you know?" Tubbo asked in shock " a little birdie told me" Ranboo said laughing " SO IT WAS PHIL!?" Tubbo screamed, " I don't know what you mean" Ranboo said in a sarcastic tone while shrugging his shoulders. Tubbo laughed and jumped into Ranboos arms. "I love you" Tubbo said tightly hugging Ranboo, " I love you too" he said as he hugged Tubbo back.

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