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"Are you sure about this?" Thor asked.

You handed him a remote, "We'll be fine and if you're ever in any trouble, just press that."

You gave him a kiss on his stubbled cheek, "I'll miss you, Thor." "And I you," he said, "Stay safe and out of trouble."

He walked over to Brunnhilde who was packing her bag, "Keep her safe for me, will you?" "Of course," she said and she gave him a hug.

Loki approached you.

"You," you said pointing at him, "Try not bothering your brother as much, alright?" Loki smiled. "I'll try," he said.

Thor kneeled down to scratch Astrid's chin. "And I'll miss you the most, little lady," he cooed, "But don't tell Y/N that." "I can hear you," you said.

She sniffed his hand expectantly for treats and Thor produces some out of his pocket. He feeds it to Astrid and she nuzzles him affectionately. He gives her a kiss on her furry face.

You stepped onto the ship with Brunnhilde and Astrid. You waved goodbye to Thor and the Asgardians, bidding farewell.

You and Brunnhilde laid naked on your shared bed, basking in the sun. Only a day had passed since you and Brunnhilde left the Asgardians ship.

You trailed a finger up and down her shoulder. She laid on your chest, her hair tickling your chin. You snuggled closer to her, holding her close and breathing in her smell, a mix of lavender and lemon. She looked at you with her bottomless pools of coffee brown eyes.

"Thank you," she said, kissing you sternum.

"For what?" You asked, threading your fingers through her hair.

"For being who you are." You tilted her chin to look at her, "Thank you." You leaned down and kissed her. The kiss was like a slow melodic dance. You sucked on her top lip and she held you tight as if she was worried she would lose you.

A loud blaring alarm hit your ears and the two of you broke apart with a groan.

"What the fuck," you said. You hopped out of bed and tugged a pair of sweats on. You walked over to the screens in the middle of the ship and brought up the signal, it was Thor. He had set off the alarm. You called to the ships AI, JOCASTA(A gift from Tony).

"J.O.C.A.S.T.A., set course for the Asgardian's ship," you said. "On it, boss," the AI replied.

Brunnhilde whirled around, "What was that?" "That would be the Artificial Intelligence Tony gave to me as a gift. Extremely useful," you replied.

You and Brunnhilde made your way over to the weapons room to get suited up.

"I wonder what happened," you wondered out loud. "Must be pretty important if he used the emergency signal just a day after we left," she said.

You tucked two knives into your boots, sheathed your Dragonfang, and situated your gauntlets. You handed her an earpiece and inserted your own. You held out your hand to Brunnhilde as the ship came to a stop. She grabbed it and the both of you walked out to the front of the ship.

An enormous ship looked over the smaller ship that belonged to the Asgardians. "Holy shit," you said. You took your seat in the pilot seat and Brunnhilde took the one next to you.

"Activating stealth mode," you said and switching a button. You landed on one end of the ship where some of the Asgardians were gathered in fear. The two of you walked to the cargo doors and your finger hovered over the button that would lower it. "Go get them in the escape pods and I'll go find Thor," you said, "I'll be back in a minute."

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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