The beginning

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You grew up with Thor and Loki as the only survivor left with a connection to the Valkyrie, Asgard's mightiest warriors. Frigga took you in when you were an infant because your parents were killed by Hela. Your father served as general to Odin while your mother was one of his best warriors who trained the Valkyrie and fought alongside them. So they thought that they owed it to your parents to take you in and raise you to your potential.

The warriors who served Odin trained you vigorously day and night so that you could continue the ways of the Valkyrie and become one of Odin's best generals. You fought side-by-side with Thor, Lady Sif, and The Warriors Three. After your first battle, you got your Valkyrie tattoo as a way to honor your mother.

When you were growing up, Thor would always look to you in awe since he was a big fan of the Valkyrie. As children, you and Thor would play dress up. The two of you would pretend to be Valkyrie and play sneak attacks on Frigga and Odin. Although they didn't appreciate the occasional scare, secretly they loved the bond you and Thor shared. You would always get Thor out of trouble and he would return the favor to you. You shared in Thor's confidence and Loki's mischief. As a way to ensure that you would be safe, Odin blessed you with the power of water to represent your ever patience and calmness and the ability to freeze the water that you controlled to represent your fierceness.

As you matured, you realized that you would feel more romantic attractions towards women than to men. It wasn't really looked down upon in Asgard since they believed in a more fluid way of life. You first noticed this attraction when you desired to become more than just friends with Sif. Quickly learning that she had romantic feelings towards Thor, you decided to stay friends.

It came to no surprise to you when Heimdall told you that Thor and Loki needed help, but the reason was the one that shocked you. He had informed you that Hela was still alive and heading to Asgard. He showed you the secret passages off Asgard so that you would be able to save him.

And here you were having fought in duels and won a pretty sick looking ship decked out with all the gadgets you had acquired through various friends and favors. You won your ship from a drunk and rich alien. It was equipped with stealth technology and the ability to jump through space. The ship had a five rooms, one functioned as your bedroom, the other as a weapons room(this one was your favorite room), the third served as a storage room, and the fourth served as the kitchen. You hadn't quite yet figured what to do with the fifth room. There was a ladder that lead to a second floor where there were more sleeping quarters.

In record time, you called in all your favours. You had an especially large amount of favours within the Nova Corps since you brought in most of the criminals in their prison and it came in handy since you needed some high tech weapons and you were able to get them.

You arrived on Sakaar fully stocked with all you needed ready to rescue Thor, but you arrived you couldn't find him anywhere. You headed in the direction of the bar in search of both a drink and your friend. While you were nursing your drink you heard an especially angry man yelling at a woman. This voice sounded extremely familiar you looked over and you were met with striking blue eyes that you had grew up with.

Thor saw you and excitedly gestured you nearer to the laser fence, "Y/N!!"

"Thor! Thank goodness I found you. What are you doing?" You asked.

"Apparently I am to fight in the Grandmaster's duel for entertainment or whatever. It's stupid," he said shaking his head, his eyes light up suddenly, "You could break me out, Y/N."

Having experienced what the Grandmaster was like with all his pomp and arrogance you knew it was better to wait for the perfect moment and not when you were surrounded by his goonies.

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