Chapter 2

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I decided to go to work for one last time and I'm now realizing it was probably a mistake. I'm exhausted. I let out a lioness yawn as I pull in front of my younger brother's apartment building. I honk the horn because we are already running late and I don't feel like getting out of the car and walking up all the steps. I wait for him to come down for what felt like hours but only like three minutes. He walks down with his girlfriend. I planned on having her take my car while we are gone. Being that I don't even know what my job is I'm not sure how long I'm staying in LA but my brother has made it clear he's only staying 3 weeks. That's all the time he could get off of work and because he doesn't want to leave his girlfriend alone that long. I'm honestly kinda jealous of him he's only 2 years younger than me and he has a pretty stable relationship. It's not that I can't find a girl I'm pretty known for getting plenty of girls at the bar I use to work at, I just haven't found that person I connect with. He goes to open the passenger door but I jump out and stop him.
Y/N- " yeah I'm gonna need you to drive"
Y/N/B - " what why?"
He looks at me questioning
Y/N- " well I went to work last night so I haven't slept in like two days"
Y/N/B - " Dumbass"
He shakes his head and moves to the driver's side and I step out moving to the back seat. I figured I'd give his girlfriend the front with him cause he won't see her for a bit and I'm not tryna hear him wine when we are away. As he pulls out onto the main road my eyelids start to get heavy and I drift off to sleep. Suddenly I'm standing in the middle of a New York City street with rubble everywhere. I've seen this scene before, I look over and see the avengers fighting aliens. Then before I can wrap my head around what's going on Captain America runs up to me
Cap- "Y/N get up"
Y/N- "huh"
Cap- " Y/N come on"
Y/N-"what's going on"
I'm shaken awake only to be met with my brother standing beside the car pushing me.
Y/N/B- "Bro get up we need to go moms gonna kick our ass"
Y/N- " oh shit"
Did my nerdy ass just dream the avenger's needed my fucking help? God, I'm a loser.
I rush out of the car and go to the trunk and grab my luggage and backpack giving my brother time to kiss his girlfriend goodbye.
Y/N/M- " Y/N! Vincent
Y/N- " oh great mom sounds pissed"
Vincent- " maybe because it took me five minutes to wake you up from your wet dream about Captain America"
Fuck. I looked at him in embarrassment. I didn't know he heard me or that I even said anything out loud.
Vincent- " I had a fucking feeling you were fruity"
I rolled my eyes here we go my brother and I have this relationship where we make fun of each other and we take things way too far with each other.
Y/N-" Caps not my type I'm not really into dudes, I'm more of a Black widow or scarlet witch type of guy"
Vincent- " yeah sure"
At this point, we reached my mother and sister Sarah she's a year younger than my brother Vincent
Y/N/M- " Y/N I thought I was clear when I said 12"
Y/N- " I went to work last night so I was a little late picking up Vincent"
She gave me a suspicious look
Vincent-" yeah and it took me a minute to wake up Snow White over here"
He pointed to me like a little kid tattling
Sarah-" well we always knew he need his beauty rest or he acted like a diva"
My sister butted into the conversation laughing
Y/N" alright alright I'm here now can we go?"
Vincent- " what's the rush you got a date with cap!"
My mother and sister looked at my brother and then me with a questioning look
Sarah-" what?"
Y/N- " okay I didn't agree to come and get roasted by my damn family in front of the damn airport"
Y/N/M-" alright everyone come on let's go"
Sarah-" Vincent I'm gonna need you to explain further"
She tried to be as quiet as possible but I still heard her and shook my head and checked my bag. We waited for a bit in the TSA line but it wasn't as bad as I honestly thought. Finally, we reach the tall thin curly-haired blonde woman checking IDs, she honestly looks like the type of girl I usually take home from the club. She looks at me with a flirty smile
TSA WM-" ID sir"
After she asks she bites her lower lip. I smirk and hand her my ID and our fingertips touch slightly
Y/N- " here you go ma'am"
I run my hands through my short dirty blonde hair and smile
She looks down at my ticket and ID
TSA WN " how long are you staying in Cali?"
Y/n- I'm not sure it's for a job"
I see her eye change from lust to a tinge of disappointment as she hands me back my ticket, my ID, and a small piece of paper.
TSA wm- " well when you get back here's my number"
Y/n- " thank you I'll shoot you a text"
I walk off and take my shoes off and put my backpack in a container. I walk through the metal detector and collect my belongings with no problems.
Sarah" what was that about?"
We are sitting next to each other on a bench putting out shoes back on
Y/n-" you know women they love me"
I try to hold back my laughter
Sarah-" oh my god "
She shakes her head
Vincent-" shame she doesn't know it's a lost cause, you've already got your heart set on Cap"
Y/n- " Jesus Vin I'm not gay! It was just a dream all of them were there, you know I'm a fucking marvel nerd"
I huffed out
Vincent-" I know cheeseball I'm just jerking ya"
Him and Sarah are now laughing
Y/n/m-" come on Shelby's it's time to move"
Me and my siblings look at each other and smirk trying to hold in our laughter. My mother always becomes this drill sergeant whenever we travel even though we are all grown-ass adults. We all start walking to our terminal. I stopped at Dunkin earning a frustrated glacé from my mother but I need coffee if I was gonna be coherent until we get on the plane. Once I grab my coffee we are off again. After about 3 more minutes of walking, we reach our terminal everyone drops their bags, and they all head for the bathroom leaving me by myself. While I wait for my turn for the bathroom I go on my phone and scroll through TikTok making sure to like all the marvel edits and everything because yes I am that loser. Vincent is the first one to return and I go and head for the bathroom. Once I'm done doing my business I decided to stop at one of the shops and get a neck pillow because I'm excited about flying. I'm hoping I catch up on my sleep. As I'm walking I feel a buzz in my pocket from my phone so I take it out and look. It's a notification from Twitter

TWITTER: TMZ; Scarlett Johansson and Colin Jost announce split... click to read more

Huh maybe now I have a chance HAHA yeah right. She has been one of my celebrity crushes since iron man 2. As I think about how beautiful she is and recall one of my favorite black widow scenes I feel I little twitch down under making me snap into real-time realizing exactly where I am in an airport. I rush to my seat next to my brother and wait for the airline to call for boarding.

So this one's a lot longer ... I'm sorry if it seems long and drawn out I just hate when it moves to fast 🤷‍♂️.

Anyway let me know what y'all think or want to see!

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