Chapter 9

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I wake up to the sun setting. I felt a heavy presence on my chest. I open my eyes only to find a sleeping blonde laying on top of me. My heart starts beating faster at the sudden realization of how close or bodies are. The only reaction I have is to play with her hair. Her hair is soft it makes me think that its what a cloud would feel like, it's so silky that it slips through my fingers easier. After a few minutes her stirs awake, I remove my hand from her hair quickly in hopes she didn't see it and think I'm a creep that watched her sleep. I didn't know while or not to get up or stay there so I stay frozen.

Scarlett " You didn't have to stop, it felt good"

I hold my breathe not knowing what to say. Surprised at what she just said.

Scarlett "breathe y/n"

I let go of the breathe I was holding. I stare into her perfect forest green eyes.

Y/n "I just don't know what to say Mrs. Johansson, Im afraid this isn't being very professional"

Scarlett "y/n we should talk"

I nod and start to listen intently

Scarlett "listen last night I don't know what came over me."

The mention of last night makes my face heat up and butterflies go in my stomach. Before she can continue her phone rings. This is now the second time we have been interrupted when trying to speak about last night, Im starting to think the universe doesn't want us to talk about it. She get up and answers with a hint of annoyance in her voice, she says a short hello and walks out the door slamming it behind her making a Big Bang when the metal hits the trailer making me jump a little. I get up and stretch my legs, suddenly I'm aware that I fell asleep mean Scarlett must of walked here alone. I quickly check my phone and see a text from Scarlett saying she's done 2 hours ago. Im so fucked. Then she walks in franticly, with tears in her eyes.

Y/n "are you okay Mrs.-"

Scarlett "I have to go Im sorry"

Before I can even think about answering or stopping her she's out the door running towards the parking lot. I sigh and grab my jacket and walk out the door and start walking to car. I hear someone yelling my name from behind me. I turn around and to my surprise it was Lizzie. She was running towards me and I couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked.

Y/n "lizzie, hey!"

She is smiling, the sun is hitting her perfectly that her eye are green eyes look almost gold. She is truly stunning.

Lizzie "where you going?"

Y/n " probably just home"

Lizzie "come grab a drink with me"

Y/n "oh I don't know Scarlett kind of left in s hurry I don't know if I'm even off duty yet"

Lizzie "oh come on I know a great place not to far from here"

Y/n "okay okay ill drive"

She giggles and runs to my car, I go and open her door and guide her in gently. Once I closed her door I ran over to the drivers side and get myself settled. She grabs my phone and puts an address in my gps and leans back looks out the window. The drive was about fifteen minutes. We didn't talk but I caught her starting at me a few times. The first couple of times her face got red and she looked away real fast, but eventually she just keeping starting with a smile and her eyes glistening with lust, like she wanted to rip my clothes off right there in the car. I can't lie it turned me on a little, but we barley know each other and Lizzie had a good heart. She's the type of girl that deserves to make love, not fuck. Once I parked I ran to open her door before she could, she was giggling and it was music to my ears. I finally got a good look at the place, it was a small little hole in the wall kind of hiding away. She lead me through the entrance, once inside it made perfect sense why lizzie would come here it fit her esthetic perfectly. Between the vines that lined the wall, the sage green and gold accents. She just fit in this place and it wasn't crowed so she can relax and be herself.

Y/n " wow Liz this place is definitely you"

Lizzie " I know its so perfect. No one really knows this place so I can be free!"

She looked at me with bright eye as she said the last part. I know from watching Marvel interviews she gets anxiety and seeing her so comfortable here at a pub is just heart worming.

Y/n "well its very nice, I like how simple yet extravget this place is"

Lizzie " yes its like it belongs in an Italian movie"

She was looking at me and I had her undivided attention as did she. Getting a closer look at her soft features, I felt myself begin to smile at how beautiful she is.

Lizzie " its not nice to stare you know"

Y/n " oh yeah we that didn't stop you in the car"

She looked at me a bit her bottom lip sending shivers down my spine. I knew now I need to take control of the situation or we were gonna have little problem down under.

Y/n "Besides it wasn't really staring, It was more admiring a work of art"

I said the last part into her ear close enough to her I could see the goosebumps appear. I bring my lips to the crook of her neck and whisper.

Y/n " You truly are beautiful"

I pull away silently patting myself on the back for the courage I just had, I was defenitly surprised but not as surprised as Lizzie looked, Her eyes darken and she slowly moved closer to me. We were in our own world until the waiter come over knocking some sense into me cutting our sexual tension.

Waiter " can I get you guys a drink?"

Lizzie" i'll have a sex on the beach."

Y/n "coke please"

The waiter walked away taking the tension with them, or so I thought. Suddenly I felt her foot go up my leg starting from the bottom to the top painfully slow. We were now making deep eye contact.

Lizzie" I thought I asked you to grab a drink with me?"

Her face expression changing to serious and intimating. I couldn't lie it was hot so very hot. I could tell I was losing, I had to take lead again or I would for sure have to fuck her right her over the table.

Y/n "You weren't specific, all you said was drink that could be anything. Besides I'm driving and with the rate we are going I don't think we will be able to wait the hour require."

Lizzie "And were is it that we are going?"

My face drops. Have I been reading this interaction all wrong? The waiter comes over with our drink and quickly departs, Then she moves next to me and places her hand on my thigh stroking up and down very close to my groin. She downs her drink and looks at me with a smile.

Lizzie " I guess you are right, I'm not sure I can wait another minute for you to rip my clothes off."

My face goes pale, I take a swig go my coke, her hand still dangerously close to my member. Im not use to other people making moves to fuck on me. This is a side of Lizzie I never knew existed. She is not as innocent as I thought.

I go ahead and finish my coke and slap a twenty on the table, that should be plenty enough for the two drinks and a tip. I stand up taking lizzie by surprise. I grab her waist and pull her close to me and bring my lips to her earlobe and whisper.

Y/n " guess we better go to my place now then" 


AN: Things are about to get crazy....Sorry not Sorry for leaving y'all off like that but I had too😂 

I didn't proof read so sorry for any mistakes its been a crazy lately. Hope y'all enjoy and like were I'm taking this its gonna be a roller coster for sure. see y'all later!

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