... I forgot I made this

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I just remembered this exists after deleting like 3 stories I never published, I have none of the info on them and can only think of what I had written for one,  one was immortal Deku, one was a power where he could become and see invisible animals that represent peoples souls and there just everywhere as they don't die when the human does and the final one is what this chapter is about

 It was going to be one large book in a chapter very different from my normal stories in which Izuku had gone super hard on training, now only hanging out with Tokoyami and Hitoshi and even then they were only training as they realized the LOV is just going to keep coming and they needed to become so strong they also prepared themselves to the possibility have to kill them.

It was completely based on the AJR song "Come Hang Out" because I love the song, anyone who reads me frequently should know I always have a song in mind while writing my books and this was just a book completely based on a song where they were in their strongest possible state 'cause they trained so much, and since Izuku trained with them and kept unlocking quirks he did let them in on OFA, Bakugou didn't care that they grew distant as they got stronger though he was disturbed by Izuku's change in attitude.

Hitoshi became a skilled hand-to-hand fighter and changed to capture bands instead of scarf showing he was branching off from just being a future Aizawa.

 Tokoyami worked on control during the night with dark shadow and they worked on shaping into different things, dark shadow even being able to become a sword as a result and they can go full monster mode in the shadows and he can use Darkshadow just fine in the light even being able to take multiple full blasts from Bakugou before falling to the light.

Izuku unlocked all the quirks ofc and had gained complete control over them and OFA, he was now much stronger than prime All Might but the hardcore training and lack of interaction for most of his life started to get to him and he slowly became less forgiving, till one-day Bakugou called him "Shitty nerd" and he decked him then walked away everyone assumed he was having a really bad day or something, but this wasn't just a one-time thing after this event the rest of the day he stood up for himself either resulting in a fight or a shouting match and the day after everyone expected him to be back to normal but he wasn't, so they went to confront him. 

!WARNING! Cursing beyond this point!

They entered the conversation(without Bakugou Tokoyami and Hitoshi) believing they were in the right and Izuku being so different and reacting aggressively to Bakugou was "wrong" and rude even. He pointed out that him being in the wrong is bullshit, and that they sat around and watched while Bakugou insulted and attacked Izuku every day and didn't see that as "wrong", now they're saying he's in the wrong for getting tired of just taking it and defending himself. He then pointed out that they've dealt with Bakugou for a year and even in this small amount of time some of them had gotten tired of Bakugou's attitude, he then continued on that he has dealt with Bakugou's insults for 11 years and it had never gotten better even when they became friends again. Then as he was walking away he heard the Bakusquad say Bakugou is just like that, This pissed him off and in the blink of an eye all 4 of them (Kirishima, Sero, Mina, Denki) were in the wall behind the group and Izuku was standing where Kiri was. 

Everyone was shocked by the violent outburst till he shouted out "So what! You're saying he has the right to tell people to kill themselves 'cause that's just how he is?" The class was shocked by the new knowledge but couldn't bring themselves to speak because the aura radiating off him warned that if anyone else speaks they get punched " You're saying he gets to never once just apologies for any of the shit he put me through? You're saying being a total dick to everyone is excusable if you just are a dick? Do you even fucking hear yourself? That's fucking stupid! It's that mentality that allows people like Endeavor to abuse his kids! You're seriously saying if that's just how they act welp guess we can't do anything! you realize that means we have no right to stop a villain from murdering thousands "'cause that's just what he likes doing" does me putting it like that help you see how dumb that is!" no one spoke for a full 10 minutes while Izuku waited for an answer from the Bakusquad then one of the other classmate's spoke up "Izuku they aren't going to reply, you knocked them out and possibly put them in a coma" it was Tokoyami who came down to see who was shouting after he got there Izuku was mentioning Endeavor he was waiting to see if any of the others would speak and realized they were frozen in fear, so he took onto himself Izuku replied "No way! I punch you and Hitoshi with that amount of force all the time how come they couldn't take it?" Tokoyami looked down and shook his head while explaining that he and Hitoshi had been taking his hits as he got stronger slowly growing more durable while everyone else had not


And that's where I got before giving up I wish I didn't but I just don't feel it right now, I may restart and write a similar story but not for a long as I'm behind on school work and haven't really felt it recently I do feel like writing just not really BNHA I'm probably going to be working on RWBY stories as I've come up with many different ideas on this subject as I feel like the RWBY fandom is only appreciated in XReader style books which I know a lot of people who just don't like those, hell I'm one of those people, I just don't like being told I reacted one way or told what I said it just doesn't resonate with me hell the third story I ever seriously wrote is "The Grimm hero: Deku" which is still being written but I'm not that into it anymore as I just don't like the story that much but I belive it was the most human feeling thing I've written which is weird to think about as a human, but also it's not the most human 'cause he is literally not a human and grew at an unnatural rate showing this which is why I don't like this story as he was already well trained at a young age and is a legal vigilante eh I don't like it but I'm not gonna delete it as it just shows my progress from  meh writer into a horrible writer but it's the only thing I've got to do with my life so I'm not stoping.

Anyway I just went on a Rant for no reason till I went into self-depreciation all the sudden so we're gonna ignore that 'cause I refuse to erasure what I've written unless it's the entire story anyway


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