Gems of War x MHA

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I gave up on this story because it was hard to convert to MHA but I did like writing this I just couldn't think of where to go with it after this and it not being too strange to where no casual reader could read it basically it's to niche. 

5-Year-old Izuku-3rd pov

Izuku was on his way home after being held back by the teacher for about 10 minutes for protecting someone from Katsuki Bakugou this was a common occurrence so he was sure his mom was aware of where he was, he was getting mad about this routine after all this had been going on for a little under a year now and every time the kindergarten caretakers would blame him even if all the other children said it was Katsuki who started it.

This slowly caused the other students to also blame him, so he was always the bad guy since he was quirkless at least that's what the caretaker's taught them, the kids took it as the absolute truth and followed the older person's example soon everyone even the kids Katsuki bullied picked on him he could hardly walk 10 ft without hearing an insult and his belief that being a hero is the best thing a person could do was waning after all a hero can only be as good as the people it protects and the Pro-heroes protected and created people like Bakugou then those people became heroes.

His mind would often subconsciously question the heroes and their actions, so he started taking mental notes he never remembered them long and this is what would cause him to write notebooks in the future however even though he doubted them he, being just a child, couldn't think of a way to change them after all humanity became reliant on them and their quirks.

but enough of that as Izuku was headed home he was mumbling about how unfair it was when a question was suddenly stuck in the front of his mind he could tell it wasn't his own thought as it had a voice and assumed it was a person with a mental quirk messing with him.

The question was [Would you like a power] being asked in an almost poisonous female voice, while Izuku doubted the voice he also wondered why they said power and not quirk then the thing responded to his thoughts.

[because we are not offering you a quirk we are offering you power, but you will have to earn it yourself and it will be a whole lot tougher than just excersing] a new voice responded in a sickly sweet almost motherly tone.

'Well, how do I know your not just a kid messing with me and trying to get my hopes up just to come out of nowhere and just say it's a prank then laugh at me.'

[That is quite the question, here I'll at least introduce myself. I am Loyalty, the elemental construct of nature, we are offering you the powers of the heroes in our world] The motherly voice responded again now named Loyalty.

"And who are these "Heroes" you speak of" Izuku responded speaking heroes in a darker tone due to his thoughts on them on the outside and inside.

[I am Treachery and you have the right to doubt that word, the "heroes" have many names and can be both good and evil but they all show the traits of half of the guardians meaning its more of a title than a proper hero, the reason we're offering you this power is cause heroes stopped existing in our world so we looked outward you show almost all of the Guardian's traits] The other voice now named Treachery responded.

'Sounds mystical, so who are these guardians I show the traits of.' They could tell he was being sarcastic but she understood why after all they were in his head.

[Courage or Ferocity the constructs of Flame, Honor or Defiance the constructs of Stone, Humility or Finesse the constructs of Light, Justice or Treachery the constructs of Ice, Loyalty or Persistence the constructs of Nature, and Sacrifice or Cunning the constructs of Darkness] Loyalty listed the beings and their Enemies.

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