Chapter 4

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Please let me know if I missed any

Honestly, I think there's just a TW for sad topics in the book.

One week later

Third person

"Hey Dad!" Tubbo said walking into the house.

"Hey Tubbo! Take a look at this!" His Dad put a piece of paper in front of him.

He picked it up and read it.

Dear Mr. Underscore,

Your child, Tubbo Underscore has been picked to participate in a social event.

Starting at the beginning of next month, Tubbo will not participate in his afternoon classes, instead he will take his lunch, and go to room 213a and spend the rest of the afternoon there.

There will be two other children, and two adults with him at this time.



Tubbo stared at the letter for a bit longer.

What. The. F*ck.

He looked at his dad, who was smiling at him.

"Well, what do you think?"

Tubbo stood there, letting it all sink in.

Social event?

Missing afternoon classes?

It was basically glorified detention!

He hated the idea of it, but his father was so happy about it.

He pasted on a smile, "Yeah, this will be great!"

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Tommy sifted through the mail on the table, there was a letter from school.

He picked it up, and walked up to his room.

His house was silent as always.

He plopped down on his bed, and tore it open.

Dear Mr. Innit,

Your child, Thomas Danger Innit, has been chosen to participate in a social event.

Starting at the beginning of next month, Tommy will not participate in his afternoon classes, instead he will take his lunch, and go to room 213a and spend the rest of the afternoon there.

There will be two other children, and two adults with him at this time.



A small smile spread across his face as he read.

I was finally seen

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Ranboo walked downstairs to see Rain looking at a piece of paper, anger evident on their face.


They looked up, their expression unreadable.

"Yeah Ranboo?"

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the paper.

They sighed, "A letter from the board of education."

I tensed, did I do something wrong?

"Nothing like that." They assured me.

"Then what is it?"

They sighed, "The board of education is doing a social experiment, and you were chosen to participate without your or my consent."

I stood there, silent.

Rain looked up with a sigh, "I'll figure it out, don't worry too much."

"Goodnight Rain."

"Goodnight Ran."

They made no move to hug me, neither of us were physical contact people.


YES! I finally have somewhat of a plot for this book!

You probably know where this is going.

Have a great day/night my friends! 💙

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