🧸 How to know if your a little 🧸

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First, before anything else, ask yourself:

At my core of who I am, do I genuinely feel like a baby?

At my core of who I am, do I genuinely feel like a kid?

If you answered, "Yes," to either of these questions then you are qualified to be a little!

Some of the core traits are listed below but not all are mandatory criteria to being officially a little.

If you are often in situations where you recognize that you just feel much younger than your biological age.

If you feel you are overly emotionally sensitive and feel the need for reassurance through childlike consoling.

Feeling strongly that hugs, cuddles, hand-holding, being rocked, or simple verbal praise will help you

You find yourself overreacting for a typical person when something, sometimes even an unimportant thing, isn't going the way you expected.
Stomping feet
Begging or pleading with others

You often feel emotionally vulnerable even though there isn't a logical reason to feel vulnerable.You always or often just feel sensitive.

You find yourself becoming quickly or easily overwhelmed at tasks other adults seem to handle well.

Emotion, even when positive, may also feel overwhelming to experience

New situations, layouts, scenery, tasks, or sometimes even people may feel "scary".

May feel panicked

May feel fearful even though there is nothing to logically fear

May feel general uneasiness for extended time during an adjustment period

May feel unwarranted distrust of new people

You've been told you are naive, "too innocent", or immature for your age.

You may be inexperienced in an area where most people are well-experienced

You may have been told that you overlook adult situations, viewing many things more innocently and purely

Serious moments may sometimes seem funny to you because they are difficult to understand the seriousness of

You find yourself later having trusted people who are untrustworthy too quickly and without reason to have placed trust in them

Your common interests may reflect those of biological children and not of the average adult of your age-range.

Cartoons intended for biological children
Coloring, Playing with dolls, stuffed animals, action figures, or children's other toys

A preference for simple activities that do not challenge your intellect
Using your imagination; "playing pretend"Being read or sang to; mostly passive participation

Your wardrobe or clothing choices may be childlike in print or style, brightly colored, or consist of accessories intended for children.You may "lack style" and always seem to dress like you're perpetually a young teen or child

You have been told that your clothing choices don't match in pattern or style due to their vibrancy of color or mismatched, playful printsYou wear what just feels comfortable even if it's not a typical style

Perhaps you're not entirely sure how adults should dress for any particular occasion and rely on others' direction for important events

You find yourself being attached to objects for their perceived but somewhat unrealistic assistance

Requiring a stuffed animal to sleep better

Requiring a pacifier to comfort you when you're unhappy

Feeling like you need a special blanket to experience good dreams when asleep

Being drawn to wear diapers as reassurance of protection or comfort

Your friends may describe you as seeming more childlike than you should be for your age.



Too playful, silly, or goofy

Having childlike wonder, innocence, or perspective

You just generally feel more comfortable and happier while being treated or viewed as a child.

When you sometimes realize you are feeling emotionally or psychologically regressive and you ask yourself what age you feel, you find yourself being drawn to an age much younger than you are biologically.

You are certainly not alone in the way you feel so don't feel negative about being a little. This littlspace handbook was created for you, by people like you, and the goal here is to help you to be your true self as often as you'd like with a group of people who accept and love you just the way you are--mentally and physically.

Author Question: Do you think you might be a little?

Age Regression Handbook [ COMPLETE ] On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara