There is always the after.

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When Harry and Draco eventually awoke the following day they were wrapped in each other's arms snuggled in close. Close enough that could take in each other's scents. They woke up and instantly groaned. Their heads were absolutely throbbing and everything just ached and hurt to end meet. By now they were both used to this feeling of utter hell but it honestly was not enough to stop them. The night before was well worth it. 

The thing about Harry and Draco is that they refuse to come clean and admit their feelings for each other. They are fully aware that they screw each other on the regular but that's as far as they will allow it to go. Most of these times are when they are high so every day afterward they always have the same routine. 

Harry jumps quickly out of his arms before quickly apologising. Draco just groans one from all the noise at this hour and because he is now cold by no fault but his own. Some days like today are the hardest though because days like today involve of Harry still riding out his high but also feeling the awful effects of his heavy drinking. This leads to him feeling like hell and looking like hell too. Yet it is never a good enough to quit because he needs the resources to function and he is already thinking about when he can take his next pill. 

"Okay boys, gooooooddd morning" Crabbe sings as he enters the room

"Fuck off Crabbe" Draco shouts. 

Harry goes to shout but before he can he runs quickly off into the bathroom to throw up the effects of last night's scandals. 

"Oh, Harry again?" Goyle spoke in a soft tone. 

Harry just nodded for a second before pushing his head back into the toilet for the second round of sickness. 

Goyle just gets on his knees and rubs his back softly. 

"Malfoy. Really did you do it again?" Crabbe questions 

"Piss off alright?" He grumbled mainly into his pillow than anything else

" Well I need some sort of answer," He said softly 

"Well isn't it bloody obvious? We got high and drank alcohol. Went for a smoke and then fucked. Now I feel like shit so if you don't mind" Draco mumbled dunking his head further into the pillow. 

Crabbe just shook his head. 

"Honestly i  have no clue what we are going to do with you two. You are both as fucked up as one another." Crabbe comments.

"Well, we can't leave them here. Lucius will be back any minute and he will kill Draco hit him even and I will not let that happen" Goyle told him still rubbing Harry's back whilst he is just leaning against the toilet bowl.

"What about Harry's? We can help Cedric?" He suggests

"We promised Cedric we wouldn't do that to him anymore," Crabbe told his friend

"Well, we don't really have much choice right now." Goyle told him

"NO MY DAD" Harry shouted feeling paranoid before clinging onto his middle area. 

"Motherfucker that hurts" He breathes out 

"Harry darling don't yell this won't help." Goyle stated blandly

"Right you take Harry and i'll take Draco. He has already fallen back to sleep so this should be real easy" Crabbe stated. 

"Draco?Why Draco? Why am I with Draco?" Harry questioned in a slight daze. 

Goyle crouched next to him. 

"Hey, buddy how you doing?" He asked gently

"Sick, dizzy and so tired" He mumbled going to grip the toilet tighter 

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