Chapter 1: impossible things

Start from the beginning

"Can I at least put my stuff in the back?"

"I'll do that for you. The pizza is hot and I don't want it to grow cold."

You reluctantly placed your items on the counter and grabbed the pile of pizza from her. The smell teased your nostrils, it never truly got old despite growing up in this shop.

You balanced the boxes with one hand and reached for the keys to the bike with the other. You packed the pizzas in the back, making sure they were secure.

You glanced at the address: 342 Lily Lane. It didn't seem familiar to you but they ordered six boxes of your supreme pizza. Must be some college kids partying out in the middle of nowhere.

A hint of regret hits you that you opted not to go to college. You already knew what you wanted to do with your life and you didn't need to be thousands of dollars in debt to achieve it. Still. The social life of being a college kid was an experience and you always felt jealously whenever kids would come into the shop and they would be whining about some dumb professor or a party that everybody was at.

You pulled on your helmet and took off, the rumble of the bike roaring alive beneath you was one of your favourite sounds.

After twenty minutes, you paused by a wooded area, only trees in sight, and took another look at your phone. It said you had to go deeper into the trees and you couldn't see any path for your bike. Looks like you had to go on foot from here. You parked and placed the helmet on the seat, and grabbed the pizzas.

The trek into the trees was actually a bit difficult considering the sun was setting and it was rough terrain. You avoided rocks with jagged edges and tree branches that whipped you in the face. You also heard some growling in a few bushes but you kept going forward, keeping the same momentum.

Your phone pinged, letting you know you had arrived but it still looked like you were deep within the woods. That was weird. Looking around at the fallen trees and the sound of the small creak had an eerie feeling settling in you.

You had just taken another look at the map when you were tackled from behind. You hit the ground pretty hard, your head ringing and your vision grew blurry. Damn. Was this how it ended for you? How sad. You felt yourself being dragged up as your vision grew darker.


"Wake up." A voice ordered.

You opened your eyes and groaned as a headache hit you and you remembered everything. Once your eyes focused, you took a look around and noticed you were in a dark office that looked straight out of a vintage magazine, the walls lined with books and a fireplace illuminated the room, making it seem spookier than it was. For some odd reason, you felt a sense of familiarity being here. Like you had seen it before.

You were sitting in a very comfortable chair across a desk. "So are you going to tell me why you were caught snooping on my property?" A deep voice asked you and you trailed your eyes to the man sitting behind the desk. He was older, closer in age to your dad, with black hair graying at his temples. He was wearing a white button down shirt and a black coat. His eyes were concentrated on you radiating deadly energy and you swallowed your fear, hoping this didn't end badly.

"I was just doing a delivery." 

"Enough with the chit chat." A tall man stood silently in the corner, shadows covering his face but they didn't cover the long scar down the left side of it. His emotionless eyes intimidated you, challenging you to try something. His entire aura was ominous and you suddenly wanted very far away from him. "Tell us who sent you."

"Nobody. I mean, somebody placed an order for a delivery nearby here and I got lost. I work for a pizza shop...well more like it's free labour since it's a family business and apparently my time is not valuable since my parents think they can call me in anytime they want-" you realized you were babbling and the man behind the desk had an eyebrow raised, signaling his thinning patience.

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