"Weird isn't it?" Sky tried to tease lightly between biting her cheek to try and get a little sensation gaged. But as she absentmindedly reached up and laid a hand against the centre console of the TARDIS, it was like an electric shock sparked up the entire room. The console pulsed violently and the whole room hummed. Surprised, Sky glanced over to the Doctor, who just smiled at her like she had did the greatest thing.

"She likes you, probably relieved to finally have another Time Lord other than me in her company."

"Well after decades of your heavy handed driving who wouldn't be relieved?" Flashing the Doctor a grin she returned to the console. But then she paused, stopping still as something came to her. A fleeting thought turned into a hunch which spiralled into an epiphany.

Looking up, Sky frowned and touched her fingers to her temple to harshly massage her temples as she dived deep into her thoughts and memories of the last day she had spent as herself. Things were starting to come back, she was remembering.

"What? What is it?" The Doctor asked with a hint of urgency.

"I'm trying to remember where she is?" Sky hissed and spun around on the spot hoping to find the answer. Where had she been, it must have been somewhere safe. "She..."

"Where who is?" Rose asked, walking closer to the pair and watching Sky with the Doctor. "Who is it? Who've you lost?"

"Ah! I know! I was on...oh! Ah!...Cambridge Street!...No! Yes! No!" She argued with herself, completely leaving Rose in the dark as she continued to frown at the pacing woman who's head thrashed back and forth with each conflicting answer. "Yes! Cambridge street!" And with that, Sky turned on her heal and sprinted out of the TARDIS.

"Oh my God, she's more mad than you!" Rose managed to laugh honestly before they both took off running after her.

"Oh yes!" The Doctor grinned and by the time they also left the TARDIS, Sky had already gained her bearings and took off down the street in a full on sprint.

Her brain worked over time trying to remember. For Isabelle it may have been twelve years but for Sky it felt like ten minutes. She was certain she had made sure she was safe, made sure to keep her hidden and away from prying eyes that would snatch it up in a heart beat; whether that be curious humans or otherwise. She had placed her into hibernation and set her to be undetectable for what she feared would be the rest of time back then. When she had checked the street name and position she had barely felt the need to commit it to memory but god was she glad she had now.

Sky ran down street after street, never stopping for breath until she turned onto Cambridge street and then down the only alley way leading off from it.

And then there she was, only a few meters away right in the middle of the cobbled road, sleeping. She was still here after ten years, untouched and right where Sky had left her.

"Hey! Wait up a second eh?" She heard call Rose from behind her but there was already nowhere left to run. Sky walked the few last steps, using the time to take everything in. "What is it? What's here?" They both caught up to her, heavy beating footsteps slowing against the uneven ground.  When they came to stand beside her, they joined her in looking up at the red telephone box. It was ordinary, the exact same one was stood further down on the opposite side of the road, and yet only Rose was questioning why they were here.

"Oh that is brilliant. I mean that is brilliant!" The Doctor took out the reading glasses from his coat and put them on then, with his hands in his pockets, he took a step forward to study the telephone box. Meanwhile Sky set about knocking on each white porcelain square, her ear pressed against the tiles. "A Type 50, very nice. But where did you get a Type 50 TARDIS from?"

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