The Bet (Chaennie GxG)

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"Sort of," Chaeyoung said. "I mean, yes but not because I was done with school. I liked school actually. And what comes next is unknown and scary."

"What were you waiting for then?" Jennie asked.

Chaeyoung put down her drink and shifted closer to the older woman. Jennie leaned back slightly but didn't say anything. Nor did she make any attempt to stop Chaeyoung. And she already knew exactly where this interaction was leading. She had spent too many nights in clubs, met too many beautiful young women to not recognise someone who was very, very interested in her. What she hadn't been expecting was Chaeyoung Park to be quite to forward. She supposed, judging from what Chaeyoung said next, that she had misjudged her.

"The moment you were no longer my teacher."

Jennie swallowed. She looked into the dark green eyes before her and felt a familiar heat pooling low in her belly. No. She couldn't allow this to happen. She couldn't. Even if -

"It's ok," Chaeyoung said, interrupting her thoughts. "It's ok now. I'm not your student. You're not my teacher. We're just two people who find each other very," she leaned forward, "very," she leaned further still, "attractive."

Their lips brushed softly together, an almost nothing kiss before Chaeyoung pulled away, watching and waiting for Jennie's reaction.

"How did you know?" she asked after she sucked in a great breath, trying to regulate her pounding heartbeat.

She thought she had hidden her desire for the young blonde well. She had made sure not to pay her any extra attention in class. She had never given her preferential treatment or favourable marking. She had made sure she was never alone with her. Not that she didn't trust herself but ... Anyway, it seemed Chaeyoung had worked it out. Jennie shouldn't be surprised. Chaeyoung was extremely intuitive and it was obvious she was going to ace her A level psychology.

"I know when someone likes me," Chaeyoung said simply. "And I think you knew I liked you too."

"I didn't actually," Jennie said. "In fact, weren't you dating Killian Jones recently?"

Chaeyoung flushed. She didn't know Jennie knew about that mistake.

"Yeah," Chaeyoung nodded. "But I'm not any more. I'm not seeing anyone right now. Are you?"

Jennie licked her dry lips and swallowed. "No."

Chaeyoung smiled and leaned a little way in but waited for Jennie to close the gap, needing the brunette to instigate their next kiss. Which, after a moment's hesitation, she did.

The kiss was still tentative, still delicate, their lips moving slowly against each other as they simply enjoyed the feeling of the other's soft skin. It was Chaeyoung who pried Jennie's lips open first, a slightly clumsy move the teen had not yet perfected but Jennie didn't care. She welcomed Chaeyoung's eager tongue as she curled her hand around the base of the young woman's neck, her fingers tangled in the soft blonde hair which lay down her back. Chaeyoung moaned into the kiss, moving closed on the sofa and her hand coming to rest on Jennie's hip. Their lips pressed harder, moved faster. Jennie felt fingers digging into her waist and shifted herself closer to Chaeyoung. Chaeyoung threw the leg over Jennie's, entangling their bodies. A hand drifted to cup Jennie's breast through her dress.

"Wait," Jennie gasped, pulling back and forcing Chaeyoung off her.

The blonde looked a little hurt and confused. Jennie wiped her mouth and sat forwards, her elbows resting on her knees and her head in her hands.

"What?" Chaeyoung frowned. "Did I do something wrong?"

Jennie shook her head and raised her eyes to meet Chaeyoung's. "Not exactly," she said. "It's just that we were quite literally making out in the middle of a club like a couple of horny teenagers and then I remembered that you are a horny teenager and I'm an adult and I really, really shouldn't have been doing that. In fact," Jennie stood up, "I'd better go. I'm sorry, Chaeyoung. Take care."

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