{18} mine is yours

Start from the beginning

Jungkook flinched at the sudden emotional attack, breath patterns going crazy. He was used to having a lot of fights and arguments with his parents but it was never this bad. It was concerning.

"The officers came. Took away all our money. We barely have anything left! We looked up in your savings and there is no penny! Where did the money go? You spent some of it on that book of yours but where is the rest?"

"For the t-trip." Jungkook whispered, eyes by now facing the ground. He could hear a disappointed groan resounding from his father while his mother simply buried her face in her palms.

"Jeon Jungkook...What do I do with you?" The angry father mumbled to himself, not having expected that answer.

Jungkook was guilty that this day had come. It shouldn't have happened but what else could he do anymore? He really wanted to go on that trip with Taehyung and he could have barely ever expected for such a situation to occur.

"Why are you doing this to us? You are our only child, our son. We thought you were sensible enough. Do you not understand how pointless these things are? These books and holidays...we cannot afford any of this! How much of an explanation do you need?" He yelled, bringing instant tears to his son's eyes.

"But...but it's not my fault that we're not rich. I mean, I have my passions too. Sometimes I feel like having fun too. And I never bother you for that. I always save money for myself. I never thought things would be such that you'll ever need that money..." He sniffed, clearly not okay with his father's accusations.

What did he do wrong? All he wanted was to read, to spend time with someone he genuinely liked. Was he not allowed to be happy?

The man's eyes widened at that, grabbing Jungkook by his collar that instant as he glared at him.
"Listen here, you little kid. As unfair as it sounds to you, you need to stop comparing yourself to elites. It's because of Taehyung and Yoongi that you've started to think you can have fun. But no, the reality is that this family is barely holding up. We're not like them, and you as an eighteen year old are a dependable source for your parents." He yanked him away right then, making the boy tumble slightly.


"Shut up Jungkook! You've disappointed me today. Spending time with that boy is corrupting your head! It feels as if...as if what's the point of having you when you don't care about us at all? Is that what your parents deserve? I know there's a possibility you dislike us, me specifically. But do you have something in you that'd make me like you?"

Jungkook fell to the ground, shaking and crying at his father's words. He had never expected he would hear such bitter words from the person he called his dad, the person who had been with him in every part of his life.

"And now you're crying like a little girl. Just look at your pathetic self! I hate saying this but you're my son, what is going on with you? And don't tell me I'm making it up when I say that you've been acting strange lately. What is up?"

Jungkook could not answer. All he could feel was his dad's disgusted gaze looking down at him with sheer annoyance. He only choked harder on his cries, body completely giving up. When his father couldn't get a response from him, he sighed at the sight before his eyes, not bothering to look at him anymore.

"I'm going for work. Try to be of some help now onwards." And then he walked out. Jungkook's mother was quick to wipe her tears and follow her husband outside, possibly to calm him down.

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