Hanging out with your admirer

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Gus threw me on his back and ran to his house, when he opened the door to his house, it was empty, that's when u remembered that his dad was out for a few weeks doing reporter stuff. He brought me to his room and dropped me in his bed, "uh gus, why did you bri-" I got cut of by gus handing me some stuff in a box, I look up at him and asked why he gave this stuff to me (I still haven't opened the box), "Can you open it, For Me? " and there was no way anyone can disagree with his puppy dog eyes. So I opened the box, and it was my fake artifacts, "Did you keep these? Why? " "Because I LOVE you matty, was that not obvious? " OK, so I had to get used to him saying those type of this to me cause you know, love potion, but then after I closed the box and put it on the floor, I noticed that those markings that I noticed earlier spread (cause it was free dress day at school, idk why, probably bumps b day, he was wearing some random t shirt). But before I could take a closer look, gus jumped on me, started cuddling me and also started purring, and I was about to lose my shit and die at that point, and I was amity red at that point, "uh, gus-" "Yes Love? " "The horns on your head are hurting me- Wait, Horns?! ". I get up still sitting on the bed while gus's head is on my chest and I noticed that he has wooden horns, "Oh those, I could make them disappear if the get in the way? " "wait-" and right then and there, he just cut them off with some random knife, like it was easy, and he was BLEEDING from where the horns used to be. "Ok, I'm taking you to the bathroom for a minute.. " "So you can Kiss me? " " What?! No!? Your bleeding, now cmon!" I look at him and he seemed like he was happy, even though he was bleeding out of his head...

(Oh and if you're wondering, YES, there will be gore in this fanfic) "

(Words : 390)

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