The Awkward age

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8th grade was when I first started going through puberty. I didn't have much knowledge on it considering my parents absence in my life. I wish I had someone then to help me through it because I didn't even have classmates. I didn't know how tampons worked or why my boobs were getting bigger...

Boys started talking to me more around that time. I developed faster than most of my peers and they liked that. Sometimes they would touch me in the hallways or make comments about my body, and I didn't like it. I was never someone who wanted to pay much mind to my body. I was only like 13. The only things I knew about were flute and talking... I didn't wanna learn what boys want in a lady

Because of the things happening around me, I started to be more defensive and mean. Everyone left me alone at that point. I regret letting it get to the point it did though, as I was suspended multiple times. I became violent and would hit people who wanted to make fun of me or make comments.

By junior year people still wouldn't talk to me. I started going outside and walking around the kingdom more, but nobody approached me. Being more social by that age I tried to approach people first, but I mostly got faces of disgust in return. Living as a Tiefling was getting depressing.

Even trying to be kind got me ridicule. What else was I supposed to do? I started to isolate myself again. Dealing with pressure from outside sources to be something impossible was too much. Studying took all of my time and I ended up jumping a year ahead of the rest of my grade.

Skittlez, The Autobiography Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin