paint and beer

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(Authors note: Mochi for all your help!)

At the bar, Atlas sat at the bar and was drawing a sea beast as Jacob walked up
"You're a fantastic artist" He said smiling handing her a beer

"Thanks and I don't drink" she said as she doodled her reindeer Comet back home and next to it was a blue cat like sea beast

Jacob chuckled smiling "your an artist I presume" he smirked sipping his beer and looked at the blue monster

"Yes and you're Jacob Holland Captain Crow's right hand man...I'll be joining you tomorrow so I can research..." Atlas sat as a little girl walked up and sat in between them

"Hi! Sorry to interrupt! But I'll be joining to!" Maisie smiled telling her story

Jacob tried to send her back to her orphanage but Atlas stopped him
"I'll vouch for her..." Atlas said blocking the carriage

"Look Miss..." Jacob said before being interrupted

"Atlanta can just call me Atlas...Blondie..." Atlas said holding Maisie's hand as Maisie looked at her like she was a goddess

"Fine..." he said rolling his eyes as he walked away

"Thanks Atlas..." Maisie smiled looking at her

"Us girls gotta stay together ya?" Atlas looked at her smiling

"Yeah!" Maisie smiled

They all eventually got on the ship and were hunting

"Why would you hunt them...maybe their just defending themselves..." Atlas said crossing her arms

"They've killed hundreds of us!" Jacob said angrily and crossed his arms

"And we've killed thousands of them! That's unfair! And cruel!" Atlas said as she walked away

Jacob leaned against the ship wall and watched her walk away
"Beasts I can handle but Her and Maisie are gonna be the death of me..." he said to Captain Crow

"You like her just don't know it yet" Crow said smiling and chuckled

Jacob scoffed and rolled his eyes as the sea beast swam under them

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