Too Girly - Ginny

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Happy 41st Birthday Ginny Potter


"Please, Charlie!" Ginny whined, clasping her hands together. Charlie looked down at his five year old sister.

"No. You know Mum doesn't want you playing with us." Charlie stated, walking to the broom shed and taking out the brooms for Bill, Fred, George and him. Percy refused to play Quidditch with them, and Ron was forced to be the score keeper, because Bill didn't want him to get hurt.

"But she's not watching." Ginny said, as Charlie hauled the brooms and a trunk to the field.

"Yes, but it would be irresponsible for me, let alone Bill, to let you play. We're not even letting Ron play. And, you haven't ridden a broom enough to keep up with us. You'll hurt yourself." Charlie stated, as he dropped everything in the middle of the field and started to walk to the house.

"I can keep up with you. I'm not a baby." Charlie stopped and looked back.

"I'm not saying that you're a baby, Ginny. I'm just saying that, well, how do I put this? Girls shouldn't play Quidditch, let alone a five year old who can't tell her left from her right." Ginny pouted and walked straight to Bill who was coming out of the Burrow with the twins not too far behind.

"Can I play Quidditch with you?" She asked giving him puppy eyes. The twins glanced at each other and started to pick up the pace and passed Bill.

"Gin, I dunno. Do you even know how?" Bill asked, squatting to be eye level with his baby sister.

"Yes...I think."

"Well, maybe one day you can. But not today; you're too young and we older boys play a little rough." Bill said putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I'm not too young. I can play Quidditch if I want to." Ginny said crossing her arms.

"You probably can, but today, the big boys are playing and we don't want our princess getting hurt." Bill said, standing up and starting to walk to the field, leaving Ginny to her own thoughts.

Next Ron came out of the doorway with a piece of parchment and a small quill in his hand.

"What's that for?" Ginny asked walking beside her brother.

"It's to help me keep score. Fred and George versus Charlie and Bill." Ron said, staring at the words he wrote in a very messy manner.

"Can I help you keep score?" Ginny asked hopefully. Ron stopped and looked at his younger sister.

"It only takes one person to keep score." He said before walking away. Ginny glared at his back as he walked away. She pouted as she walked to the backdoor and took a seat on the squeaky, wooden stairs.

"Princesses can't play Quidditch." She mocked in a high pitched voice. "You're too girly Ginny. You're too young Ginny. You can't keep up with us." She mocked a bit more, putting her elbows on her knees and resting her head on her hands. She sighed.

She watched, in the distance, as the boys started the Quidditch match on the field. The old Quaffle started to fly back and forth and her brothers flew quickly around, laughing, and enjoying their time of fun. Even Ron looked like he was enjoying watching them. But Ginny wasn't. She took one final look before getting up and running into her house, climbing up all of the stairs, stomping to her bedroom, and slamming the door behind her.

She plopped on her bed and hugged her pillow close to her.

"You're too girly, Ginny. You're too young, Ginny." She mocked chucking her pillow to the floor. But then her door opened and revealed her father. He had a worried expression lingering on his face and he seemed a bit scared to see what he'd find.

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