You couldn't help but smile, leaning against a wall, "No boyfriend, so, I think it's me." The man nodded and chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. You spotted Chrissy shuffling around and excused yourself. She jumped when you approached, making you worry.

"Oh, y/n! It's just you ..wait, why weren't you at the game?" Chrissy asked, holding your hands.

"I uh, kind of had a prearranged agreement. Did you guys win?"

"Yeah! Yeah, it was... it was great." You could sense something was wrong, looking around and pulling her off to the side.

"Hey is something going on?" You asked tenderly, rubbing the shivering cheerleader's shoulder. "You've been acting kind of weird today."

She looked around, paranoia painting her eyes, "Ok so um... I'm sort of, maybe not super ok? But it's alright, I think I'm getting help. Sort of."

You eyed her closely, "What kind of help?"


"Drugs!?" You exclaimed, perking up and looking around before leaning in and being quieter. "Drugs Chrissy? I mean I'm not going to say anything, you know I smoke, but, are you sure about this?" You sighed in defeat as she nodded and you took a deep breath. "Where are you getting them? Are you sure you can trust them?"

She nodded faster, "Yes! Eddie Munson, he, he's been really kind, and he's promised something that'll make whatever's going on go away." Your face went slack. Of course it was Eddie Munson. You dragged your hands down your face before pulling out a cigarette and lighting it with a shakey hand.

"Ok, fine. If I hadn't just spent like the last hour with him, I'd say you're an idiot but he's ..well he's actually kind of a gentleman."

"Will you go with me?" The blonde pleaded, making you cough and choke on your own smoke. "Y-you don't have to! I would just feel, I don't know, better?" God how you wanted to say no. That begging face of hers was impossible to deny though. And, a part, a small part of you, really wanted to see Eddie more. It was deathly apparent your middle school crush on him hadn't actually disappeared, just been suppressed. Or something like that.

Pushing back some hair you scrunched your face, "Ok, yeah, fine." The cheerleader gave a shy grin, squeezing your hand gratefully. Shaking your head, you pulled her along, waiting for the kids to have left before whistling to Eddie. He looked between the two of you, confused. You gave a look of knowing, nudging your head to the side as a sign to 'get out of there'.

His mouth formed an 'o' before grinning and giving a thumbs up, running over, "So, are you another customer or?"

You took a long drag of your cigarette, shaking your head, "Company only. Not a big weed kind of gal."

He raised his hands up, smiling as usual, "Not a problem with me sweetheart," You felt your ears burn at the nickname. "Well, the more the merrier right? C'mon, I'll show you to my van." You hesitated. You supposed you could always come back tomorrow and get your car, right? Yeah, Steve could totally drop you off. Patting Chrissy's back slightly, you gave a reassuring smile. She seemed so... off. Something was definitely bothering her immensely, especially if she was willing to turn to drugs.

"Can you, can you sit in the front?" Asked Chrissy quietly. "He seems to like you, and I'm too nervous."

Your heart flatlined for what felt like a long minute. Chrissy's petite hands waving in front of your face snapped you back, shaking the nerves off.

"Yeah, yeah ok," You smiled and patted her back. Getting up in the front, you couldn't help the smell of the van infiltrating your nostrils. Obviously the smell of weed, but also, the smell of his cologne. It was oddly wonderful. You heard Chrissy slide into the back, turning your body and giving her a reassuring look. You jerked when a hand slammed into the back of your seat, Eddie twisting his body to back out. His hand was so close, taking a moment to admire his silver rings. They were so big, surely they were impractical. But, he made them look really nice.

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