Ghost on the Dance Floor

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It's like the universe has left me
Without a place to go
Without a hint of light

Luke was on edge all the fucking time. He felt like Dan's roommates might attack him again any time he accidentally made eye contact with them, and he wasn't sure whether it would be with questions or a baseball bat. He felt paranoid and he didn't even know why.

The only person he felt vaguely comfortable with was Dan himself, but the more Luke thought about it, the more he realised how little he knew about the other boy. Luke just suddenly felt like he couldn't trust anyone anymore. He felt like he was going crazy.

He was stood in work at the current time. Apparently, because they saw each other nearly all day, Dan had no reason to come to the coffeeshop, not even to keep Luke company, so his shifts were now particularly lonely.

That's what Luke truly felt, just alone. He didn't have anyone to properly talk to, playfully insult, the occasional suggestive comment which didn't mean anything, Luke missed being able to do that. It was selfish to crave one person's company for his own use, but it was all Luke wanted.

Luke sighed, he was sick and tired of everything, of him acting like a dick and Michael acting like a dick and of what led from that, he just wanted it to be back to the way it was before. He didn't want to have to stand in a coffee shop waiting for something to happen, when he knew it wouldn't. He was done with this stupid routine, he needed more.

Luke shut up the store early, because no one was there and no one was coming and he only had half an hour left so why the fuck not. He wasn't sure what to do when he did reach Dan's, he couldn't quite tell what he felt.

In a way, he didn't want to leave, not until Michael apologised. So far, Michael hadn't tried to contact him in anyway, not even by email, because knowing Michael he'd probably be a nerd and do that thinking Luke never checked his emails. (He checked them everyday)

But there was the nagging fear in Luke's head that Michael had actually moved on, and didn't need or want him around anymore. That idea stung though, so Luke pushed it away as quickly as it had come up, filing it in the 'emotions I don't want' compartment of his brain.

The walk to Dan's was in the opposite direction of Michael's, and a little further. The area wasn't nice, not at all. Everywhere you looked there was the mixture of people smoking who knows what, other having drunken arguments and Luke had had multiple people coming over thinking he was a prostitute. Luke just wanted to leave already.

Luke hurried himself into the complex, the cold air leaving his skin for something vaguely warmer, not much, but maybe a little. The whole building was pretty cold, even in the warmer weather.

The elevator was old and creaked horribly, so Luke preferred to take the concrete stairs now a days, scrambling up the annoying amout of flights of them, but it was better than getting trapped or dying in the other elevator.

Random bits of trash littered the stairway, plastic cups and takeout bags, and it smelt disgustingly of sweat and puke. Luke hated this building.

Groaning, Luke got to his floor and then apartment, which was not number 420 or 69. No hilarity.

Surprisingly, Luke had actually been given a key, so Luke unlocked the apartment, stepping in, taking his shoes off by automatic movement, shuffling inside.

It was pitch dark inside, which was expected honestly, Luke thought no one was around, until he heard a plate or something of he kind being put away in the adjoining kitchen. Luke couldn't see anyone though, so he flicked the lights on, shedding light on everything in the room and the kitchen as well.

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