Grayson did mention that his father was a horrible man. Maybe he did something? Certainly not, right? When I got home, I saw Graysons mom and younger sister in my living room. "Ms. Hayes?" I say in a questioning tone. She smiles at me and gives me a small hug. I look at the shorter girl next to her, "You must be Lily." I wave to her and she waved back.

"Paisley, Graysons in the hospital." she breathed while looking nervously around me, not once meeting my eyes. "What!" I exclaim.

"He was shot, just under his ribs. He wants to see you."

Jamie was right all along. His father did do something to him. I nodded as we all got into Ms Hayes car. She sped down the highway and into the hospital parking lot. I gulped before walking into the blue hospital room. Grayson was peacefully sleeping with his shirt off, revealing a huge bandage around his abdomen. I pulled a chair right next to his bed, grabbed his hand and placed my head right next to

Suddenly, I felt a hand stroking my hair. My eyes shot up and met Graysons. He was smiling. "Hey sunshine." he whispered, I sat up properly, still holding his hand. "You look horrible." I teased

"You look beautiful." he smiled and brought his hand to shes caressed my cheek. I blush. "Gosh Grayson, I was so worried about you. First you didnt answer me or Jamie, then didnt show up to school I didnt know what to think and--" I frantically say before getting cut off. "Im sorry."

"No! Don't be sorry. There's nothing to be sorry for." I trailed off. He slowly scoots over and pats the bed next to him. I hesitantly climb up and rest my head between guys collar bone and jaw. His arm wrapped around my shoulders. "I missed you, Paisley."

My name sounds so good when he says it.

"I missed you too, Grayson." I smile, turning to look at him just to see he's already looking at me. His eyes wandered my face and flickered between my eyes and lips. He places a kiss on my forehead and rested his head on mine.

I quickly fall asleep on his right arm, I'm not sure if he was comfortable or not but I definitely was. The nurse woke me up and asked me to get off the bed with him, as he was still in pain. I frowned but slowly got up and sat on the plastic chair next to him. He's still fast asleep. "How long have you guys been dating?" the nurse whispers while checking his vitals. "Oh uh we're not dating," I stammered, looking around the room nervously.

She looked at me confused. "Seriously? He was talking about you yesterday like he was in love and you were just sleeping with him so I just assumed." she shrugs and I chuckled a little bit. The nurse had her very curly hair in a bun on the top of her head and wore pink scrubs. She reaches her hand out to me, "Emery Skout," she says as I take her warm hand. "Paisley Smith." I smile and she returns it.

Emery was very pretty, she seemed younger, maybe like twenty-five. She had very pale skin and her dark hair made her light-brown eyes pop. Not to mention her eyelashes were so curly. She walked over to the door, her hand hovering above the knob before looking over at me. "I will be back with the doctor in maybe an hour so that we can all figure out what we're going to do from here." she nods and walks out of the room.

Is he going to lose his scholarship?

What if he can't play baseball anymore?

Is his career over?

Stop, Paisley. He's going to be fine. I got lost in thought that I didn't even realize he was up and looking at me. I shook my head slightly and turned my attention to him. "Why'd you move?" he asked, his head tilted just a tiny bit to the side. I slid the chair over to him and squeezed his hand.

Fifteen minutes later, his mom and Lily walked into the room and they both sat next to me. Lily handed half me half of her Jersey Mikes sub. I smiled at her and gave her a small hug. I never realized how much she looks like Grayson.

・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・・。. •

The doctor and Emery came back into the room. Grayson grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Grayson Hayes, correct?" the doctor asks and Gray nods. "Dr. Garcia." he says, shaking Graysons hand.

He looks down at his clip board and places the pen in between his teeth. "You will need at least five months of physical therapy before you can even think about sports again."

My eyes go to Graysons face, which is draining of color. I feel him squeeze my hand even harder. His jaw is clenched and I frown. "So I'll lose my scholarship?" Grayson voice deepens and scratches the back of his head. The doctor doesn't say anything.

"There is a possibility, yes. If you heal correctly, you can ease yourself back into the game. If not, there's a chance you'll never play again." he concludes.

"The bullet just missed your brachial plexus, you're lucky you're not paralyzed right now." Emery sighs, taking the clip board from the doctor and placing it in the folder hanging on the wall.

Grayson looks down at our interlaced fingers and then back up at the doctor with a straight face. God I wish I knew what was going on in his mind. "That doesn't help, at all." Grayson grumbles and looks up at the nurse.

"So when could he start PT?" I ask and the doctor looks at me, raising an eyebrow. "We could start him next week, honestly."

"Okay. Let's do it then." Grayson gulps, looking over at me and giving me a faint smile.

・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。..・。.・゜✭・.・・。. •

oh grayson

word count: 1530

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