chapter eight//an abundance of newness

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tilly didn't appreciate the way the townsfolk stared at her. she felt like a zoo animal, one creature in a whole circus of beings. she knew they all looked like a sight-dirt streaked and carrying weapons-tilly's being only her nails and teeth. they entered the gates slowly, as if ready to be attacked at any moment-and given what had occurred at terminus-it was understandable. they were asked to put their weapons away-they had an armory-and weapons were counted and put on a list. tilly thought that was dumb-there was no time for lists these days-you had to take what you want, and you better be fast. she watched, squinting in the sunlight, as her group filtered into the fence line and the gates were closed behind them. it almost felt scarier being locked inside the walls then being free to roam outside them. 


"i've noticed you don't have a pair of shoes. we can get you a nice pair that fits. we have boxes just full of them!" deanna smiled at tilly from the couch, but tilly could only seem to focus on the camera filming the conversation-which was rather one sided, seeing as tilly didn't speak. "what's your name?" deanna prompted, eyes crinkling with kindness. tilly cocked her head in curiosity at the camera, ignoring the older woman. it's safe to say that tilly didn't sit in that room long, for deanna realized rather quickly that the girl simply didn't speak. 


daryl was gutting a possum he had gathered before entering the gates, and tilly perched on the railing of the porch, waiting for the food to be done with a quiet eagerness-for she knew daryls catches and his cooking were always good. carl and carol entered the home next to the one they had already claimed, and rick cradled judith in his arms on the porch, near daryl. rick decided-they would all stay in the same home tonight-for safety. 


that night, leaning against a couch, tilly cocked her head, noticing rick had shaved his beard. she liked the way he looked clean shaven. she stood, padding barefoot around the large home, counting her steps as she rounded the perimeter. it was indescribable, huddling together in a real house, with running water, plenty of food, and a wall to keep the walkers away. tilly didn't trust it-not yet. she gathered that everyone felt the same way, and she could feel the tension and distrust rolling off everyone who had been on the road and through those hard months together. she continued pacing, steering out of the way of the group, flinching when anyone came near. she could feel the eyes of her group on her, thinking her strange. but she didn't care. counting how many steps it took to get around the wood floor made her muscles loosen, and her brain calm. She started, as the door opened suddenly and deanna peeked inside the home. the woman scanned everyone, on the floor close together. daryl prowled near judiths crib, and tilly chewed her fingernails anxiously, waiting for the woman to leave. 


tilly strode down the sidewalk, the pavement burning her feet. she hopped gingerly onto the grass instead, sighing in relief. the group had been told to explore the community, and so-she would. daryl was the only one who stayed behind, sitting on the porch next to his crossbow. tilly had shot him a longing glance, wishing he would come with her. but he didn't. soon she found herself in a shiny garage, filled with chipped school desks and a chalkboard. she traced the spines of books, leaning in to sniff the scent of old pages, when she felt eyes on her. she whirled around, hissing and taking a few steps back, tripping over herself and landing on the ground. It was only a woman, who raised her hands in surrender. "i'm sorry, sweetheart. i didn't mean to scare you. my name is mrs. heather-this is my classroom." she said softly. tilly stared silently, unmoving from the dusty garage floor. her wrist began to ache from where she had caught her fall, and she cradled it to her chest like a wounded animal. "oh, honey. you're wrist is beginning to swell-you need to get that looked at. where's your family?" she came closer, and tilly stiffened, before she shoved herself to her feet and bolted back to the house she had come from. daryl sat on the porch, smoking a cigarette, as the girl bounded up the steps, chest heaving from the running. he stood, grabbing his crossbow, ready to respond for anything. "what is it?" he asked, not expecting an answer exactly. the steps creaked behind them, and the both of them turned, as the teacher came up onto the porch. "oh, excuse me, you're daughter was just exploring my classroom and she fell onto her wrist. i believe she needs to get it checked out-we have a wonderful doctor here. i can take you to him. he has meds and ice for the swelling." mrs. heather smiled, pointing to till's wrist. tilly frowned, her face sour as she edged behind daryl's back. "she's a shy one, isn't she? your child is beautiful." the woman fumbled with her hands, feeling awkward. daryl decided not to correct her. it didn't matter anyhow. "just tell me where the doc is. i'll take her." he grunted. and so, that was how the two found themselves striding along the road to the tilly just slightly behind as she nursed her wrist. "you gotta be more careful. you move like a damn deer." daryl scolded. he wasn't really angry, though-he knew that and tilly knew that. "and you really should let them give you new shoes." he added slowly. he didn't really care if she wore shoes or note-if she were comfortable barefoot, fine by him. whatever she fancied. but it felt like the adult thing to say-something a parent would say. and she slowly was becoming his responsibility. 


the doctors office felt threatening. papa hadn't believed in doctors, he trusted home remedies. when dr. pete anderson snapped on a pair of gloves and approached tilly, she shrank away, the paper on the table she sat on crinkling as she did. "i promise to be as gentle as i can. dad? do you want to hold her hand?" the doctor advised. "i ain't her daddy." daryl grunted, but he moved closer anyway, his large hand engulfing the small bony one in front of him. "she don't like to be touched." daryl explained. "okay, that's no problem. just let me ice this and wrap it-and you can be on your way." tilly didn't trust this doctor, and when he apprached her with a pack of ice, she began to breathe heavily, and as soon as his warm fingers touched her skin, she leapt from the examination table, crossing the room and crouching in the corner, whimpering. her lips parted, and she wished she could communicate, but she was too fearful-she just couldn't. daryl blinked, watching her, astounded by her quick movements. the doctor stood holding the ice, and he began to laugh. "well that's alright. can he do it for you?" dr. anderson pointed to daryl. tilly paused, before nodding. daryl coughed, grabbing the bag of ice and the bandages. he held his hand out, and tilly slowly placed her arm in his hand, letting him place the cold item onto her wound. then, with the help of the doctor telling him where to put it, he bandaged her. she winced, and there was a few tears, but then it was over. she walked out of the office next to daryl, clutching a lollipop in her hands that she decided to keep wrapped in case they ran out of food. survival was still her first thought. daryl pocketed her pain meds, having been told to administer them twice a day for her throughout the next two weeks. 

he shook his head. if merle could only see him now. walking a child out of the doctors office, lollipop and all. 

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