Don't Scream

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"Hmm??? I guess that was just a dream. What a relief!" Gahyeon said while calming her self down.

"Gahyeon! Are you okay? I heard you panting all night!"

"Don't worry. I'm alright. It's just got a weird-ass dream"

"What's the dream about?"

"I think it'll be better if I keep it to myself."

"Alright. By the way, breakfast is ready. Let's go downstairs"

"Okay. Gimme a sec."

Again, Gahyeon heard the screams of the 5 girls again. She tried to ignore it but it's getting worse. She tried everything to make it stop. The younger stabbed her two ears with pencils but ended up making things worse. She screamed. Then fainted. Again.

"Dami, where are you?"
The younger is scared. She's gone blind. Pitch black.

"Look who's awake? Ms. Lee... Ga... hyeon."

"Who are you?!"

"Who am I? Don't you remember? I' m your doctor. Don't let your delusions eat your life."

"Tell me your name!" she worriedly shouted.

"Me? I'm Dr. Kim, kid."

"Kid? Urgh! We're just 2 years apart? What's wrong with you, Yoohyeon?"

"Hm... Looks like you remembered. Welcome back."

"Sorry, I don't understand. Where's Dami? Where am I?"

"You're in a psych ward. And Dami? She doesn't exist. It's just part of your delusions."
"Gahyeon... I'm sorry."

"NO!" she angered, "STOP LYING! I WANT DAMI BACK"

Gahyeon smashed the glass in front of her into Dr. Kim. Gahyeon was terrified, traumatized, worried. Basically every negative word in the dictionary.

Dr. Kim bled so much in her belly.
BANG! Someone got shot. Everyone else came to see what happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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