Chapter five: "wtf"

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As draco continued to listen to the headmaster speak he started to get nervous, he sounded worried, which was rare for him, he knew the headmaster rarely worried, he was confident and self assured most of the time.

Draco wasn't sure what was wrong but he knew it had to be very serious if the headmaster of all people was worried. Suddenly the doorknob started to jiggle and he ran back to the bed he had previously been sitting.

As the headmaster and madam pomfrey exit madam pomfreys office their eyes were immediately on draco.

"Excuse me, draco, we're gonna need you to wait in the corridor. We need to do something with Harry in private"

And before he could even fight or protest dumbledore had escorted him out into the corridor with his arm wrapped around his shoulder

"Just wait here a moment" and soon he was alone in the corridor, still with no clue of what was happening to Harry.

He rolled his eyes and sat down on the floor, angrily resting his head against the wall he couldn't help but feel frustrated, he had no idea what was happening, he was alone, and he was worried about Harry which was another strange thing.

Draco had nothing to do so he closed his eyes and rested his head in his lap, falling asleep in seconds.

He was awoken to an angrily dumbledore standing over him, before draco could process the angry man he was being dragged into the infirmary.

"What the hell is happening!?" Draco angrily exclaimed as he was seated in madam pomfreys office.

Suddenly the usually happy go lucky nurse and headmaster were completely serious, their eyes were burning with anger as they stared through Draco, sending a chive down his spine.

"We have reason so suspect Harry is or was abused and we believe you knew of the abuse and did not report it to us" madam pomfreys voice was stone cold, emotionless yet angry at the same time, her eyes glaring daggers through him.

And suddenly, it all clicked for draco, the reason Harry looked ill on the train, the reason he flinches when we raise our hands, the reason he has a hard time sleeping, it's because of his family.

"I knew nothing of the sort! Me and potter aren't that close. If anything I suggest you ask his best friends"Draco said, trying to clear his name and hopefully get them to stop questioning him

"Draco are you aware that failure to report a concern revolving the well being of a peer can get you a month of detention correct?" The headmaster finally spoke up

Draco shook his head, he truly didn't know he could get detention for failure to report something like that, but he truly didn't know so he wasn't quite worried.

"I swear I had no idea of what is or is not happening in Potters home life. And it's not my business" Draco stood up and walked out madam pomfreys office, immediately running to the bed where Harry was still sound asleep

Draco suddenly noticed bruises on the small child's body that he had not noticed before, but surely those couldn't be from his family. He's a king to his family, there could be another explanation to his issues

Draco silently pet Harry's head, smiling softly, a weird feeling fluttering in his stomach as he softly pulled away

"I'm going to figure this out" Draco promised as he softly stared down at him

Suddenly he felt sick to his stomach, what could they have done to him? He wondered.

Draco quietly stared down at Harry, a soft smile across his face, the entire room was silent, and everything stopped, the sickness in his stomach getting worse

"They wouldn't do something like THAT to him right?"

And suddenly it all made sense, why Harry had been limping on the train, why he was so  skinner then last year, and why everyone saw him asleep on the train, he hadn't been eating or sleeping at home.

"holy shit" Draco looked down at Harry and suddenly felt an overwhelming guilt wash over him as tears stung at his eyes, he couldn't stand to stare at Harry anymore, he got up and walked out of the infirmary.

As he wiped his tears away from his face he couldn't help but wonder what else he didn't know about Harry, then he realized, it wasn't just "potter" anymore, he was seeing Harry as Harry, and not as his stupid teenage rival.

Suddenly Ron and Hermione come racing down the halls, Ron's fist angrily placed at his sides and Hermiones normal sassy demeanor has turned worried and sad

"WHERE IS HE MALFOY" Ron angrily yelled as he approached Draco

Draco couldn't help but feel annoyed as he heard Ron's angry voice, after all they were supposed to be "friends"

"He's in the infirmary" Draco shook his head and looked down at the ground

Hermione and Ron didn't wait even one minute to run into the infirmary, leaving Draco all alone in the quiet corridor of the large school

What happened to him draco wondered to himself, there's only so many things that could've happened to him, and he didn't want to think the worst, what are the chances he's just overthinking?

A few moments later dumbledore was dragging an angry and screaming hermione out, a crumbled paper in her hand, Ron following closely behind them.

Draco watched as dumbledore dragged her to the hallway and went back into the infirmary, locking the doors behind him

Suddenly hermione turned to draco, angry tears starting to fill her eyes as she threw the paper at him, Ron softly wrapped his arm around her, trying to stop her from crying

"So this was your plan all along!? Befriend Harry and turn him into a fucking toddler so you can use him for what? To get your daddy's approval?" She angrily wiped her tears and rested her head on Ron's shoulder

Draco looked down at the paper in his lap, it was the check list he wrote

Step one
Befriend potter

And the rest was blank, he wasn't sure what to write, after all he didn't really wanna go through with his original plan

"Wait no I can explain!"

"Save it malfoy" Ron glared at him

Draco dropped his head down the the ground, he knew he had fucked up.

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