I still remember the first fall of snow And how it glistened as it fell

Start from the beginning

When he looked up, there were tears lining his eyes.

"That's not fair." He said.

It wasn't fair, he didn't mind not becoming the heir even if that was all he had trained in his life for, he wouldn't mind giving it up to Zane, or Sirius but Felix was someone who didn't know how serious things could get, he was immature and took everything to heart. And that was unfit, that was dangerous for someone who would be given that much power. If anything could be said then Felix was the exact copy of Beron. He didn't believe that Zane should have his land taken away or his position. But the one thing that bothered him the most was the fact that Magnus who truly had the least participation in their plan was the one getting executed. All the poor boy wanted was a smooth life and now he wasn't even going to live. 

"I know." She said quietly.

Eris stood up and left the room, mainly because none of it made sense. Why did someone always have to die. The image of Isabella falling to the ground had never left his mind and now to learn that someone would have to die because of his stupid decisions was quite despicable. It made him want to die. He still remembered how she had fallen to the ground with that damned arrow impaling her, he remembered Zane's scream, how painful it had been, he remembered wanting to die instead of her. And it made him think of her, and then Magnus, he must be in so much pain. They all had been his responsibility and he had let them all down. 


Lilliana walked in the room, to find Eris looking out the balcony, the sun was rising and cast different hues of colors all over the place. The sun's presence never mattered since it was so cold but right now it did, since she got to watch the sunrise with him.

He was leaning against it, hands on the balcony, looking at the city beneath him, eyes yearning for something beyond. The amber of his eyes shined so brightly, the orange sky and his eyes seemed to be colliding, fighting to see who was the brightest. The orange of the sky hitting his face at all the perfect points, casting a tan over his pale skin. She imagined how his eyes would look in the rain. She believed they would stand out, his eyelashes would look perfect. His hair would get matted to his face and the raindrops would slide down his face. It was almost as if she could see the image as a painting; a painting she would frame and hang in her room.

She wished to walk in the rain with him. But she didn't think that she would get to experience it so it only remained a wish.

But if she could, just one time live like that; carefree. She would run in every rainstorm. With him.

Lilliana placed her hands on the balcony and looked at Eris.

He turned to look at her.

And the if she could only paint his face in that moment, she would stop time and do it. She wanted to see that look on his face all the time, she wanted to see his eyes soften everytime he looked at her. If only she could get to experience that for the rest of her life.

"How are you feeling?" She asked,the tone of her voice was low and soft.

"Not okay." He murmured, now looking at the horizon again.

She nodded.

Sometimes shared silence also can be comforting. She wanted it to be comforting, for both of them. Talking was important considering their situation but she would never get to live this again. And she wanted no regrets.

So they kept staring at the horizon, as the sun rose, and the sky shifted from an orange to a blue-gray. And then snow began to fall.

The first snow of the season. The snowflakes fell, and it seemed so beautiful as if the snowflakes were contemporary dancers, making their impact on their stage; the sky. Their movements beautiful and soft, as one dropped onto his hair. She stretched her hand out for one to fall, he placed his hand beside her and it was almost magical as two snowflakes landed on their palms.

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