But we can patch it up good Make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness

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Tamlin sighed.

He was so done with both of them, 'them' being Lilliana and Eris. After all, it was one thing to just hate someone, but it was completely another thing to hate and still love someone. And then it was a whole another thing to love someone and fool yourself into hating them. 

He wasn't so sure which 'thing' was applicable to them, and even if he tried to not intervene or concern himself with it, it was impossible to allow a pair of idiots to become even bigger idiots.

He should be happy that Lilliana could not read minds because if she did, he'd be dead. 


It was ironical, really. 

Fate must really enjoy making a fool of her. Why did she have to be so concerned? Why did she run out, not even listening to anything? Why did her breathing stop when Beau came back alone? It was really pathetic to blame this all on fate. 

Shouldn't she be happy that he's alright? Shouldn't she talk to him without throwing accusations at his face that don't even make sense? Shouldn't she try to help him? 

She knew how he was, how small was his will to live but something didn't let her care. 

It had to be her heart right? It must feel hurt, paralyzed or whatsoever emotion that it was feeling which contributed to the lack of empathy. He did leave her, so why would her heart open itself again.

His red face flashed in her mind again and again until it became difficult to not cry.

No, she was wrong, her heart had never closed itself off. It was her pride. 


Eris woke up, feeling very dizzy. It was understood. He stood up, and his vision blackened, his legs felt weak and trembled and he sat down on the ground, grabbing his head, trying to silence the ringing between his ears.

But it only got louder. He squeezed his eyes shut and curled himself, hands still on the ears.

After a few minutes, the ringing ended and he raised his head, tears had leaked out of his eyes, he wiped them with hands and stood up, grabbing the ledge of the bed for support.

And with a steadying breath, told himself that he was okay and went to wash up. 

He walked out of the room, and with every rising breath, told himself to not crumble before anyone. He hated being vulnerable. So no matter how loud the ringing got again, he would not drop to the floor, place his hands on his ears or cry at all. It was not an option. 

He crossed the hallway and made his way to the kitchen, finding Nicholas on the counter with Beau feeding him something. Beau's attention turned to him the moment he walked into the warm room. 

He grabbed a glass of water and drank it, refilled it and drank again. 

"Is Rhysand here?" He asked 

"A greeting would be nice." Beau replied.

Eris stared directly at him. 

"He is here, Tamlin and Lilliana are in there." He muttered

Eris gave no sign of acknowledgment and walked out. He navigated his way to the library or study whatever it was.

Before entering he straightened his back and ran a hand through his hair, fixed the lapel of his jacket and sighed. 

Dream a little, Dream of meWhere stories live. Discover now