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Galen Marek A.K.A "Starkiller" (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed)

A "Starkiller" (Star Wars: The Force Unleashed)

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Rey Palpatine... ugh (Star Wars: The "Sequel" Trilogy... more like the Fanfic Trilogy)

Reason: I hate Rey with a passion to make even the likes of Sidious, Vader, Nihilus, Traya, Sion, Revan, Malak, Maul, Malgus, and Vitiate shudder

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Reason: I hate Rey with a passion to make even the likes of Sidious, Vader, Nihilus, Traya, Sion, Revan, Malak, Maul, Malgus, and Vitiate shudder. "I am all the Jedi.". BULLSHIT!!! You ain't Papa Marek, Daisy Ridley, nor are you Galen for that matter. You need your Mary Sue ass kicked by somebody who's actually strong in the Force. That way, if you beat him, it'll be fucking earned.

But I doubt you'd beat Starkiller of all people. He could probably just flick his wrist and you'd be flung into the next system. The man took down a Star Destroyer, killed multiple fully trained Jedi (one of whom was a member of the Jedi Council I might add), survived being stabbed and sucked into the vacuum of space, kicked an emo dark jedi's ass, then kicked Vader's ass and sacrificed himself for the rebellion. And that's not even counting the alternate timeline or his clone.

Meanwhile, what did you do, Rey? You did a few flips, beat up an old man, lifted a few rocks, cut an emo man's face (an emo man who was already injured, I would like to point out), blocked some lightning from your grandpa and used it to kill him, died and got revived simply because the emo man suddenly decided he was in love with you (which was bullshit, by the way), buried two artifacts of a golden age, then stole the Skywalker name (despite the fact that the lesson you learned along the way was 'don't be afraid of who you are').

Fuck you, Rey.

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