When William was done crying, he got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were puffy, his eye bags had gotten worse, and he looked even paler. Willaim hated how he looked, he was underweight, and being tall made him look thinner than needed. But Henry on the other hand was chubby and short but this is one of the many things William liked about Henry.

William decided to take a shower to try and get rid of his puffy eyes. He took off his pants and underwear. He unbutton his long sleeve shirt, and as he did it revealed all his cuts and the real reason he stopped doing it with Henry. William looked at himself in the mirror feeling more ashamed of what he did. The cuts weren't too deep but they weren't surface cuts either. But every time William looks at them he feels like shit. why is he doing this? Why is he letting every memory of his childhood get to him now? He was always able to push through it but now he's losing to them. He had stopped cutting himself for many years but here he is going back. Henry helped him back then but now William is too scared to tell him because back then they were just friends it was easier to tell him but now since their lovers, he didn't want Henry to feel like he failed as a boyfriend for not noticing. William didn't want Henry to feel like shit as well.

William took a deep breath, pushed all these thoughts away, and turned on the water for his shower. Once the water was warm he got in.

William was getting dressed, he put on a white shirt with a yellow bow tie. He then put on the purple bracelet Elizabeth had gotten him for his birthday last year. Once he was done he put on his shoes. After he made his way downstairs. No one was home because the kids were at Charlotte's house for the week. William wasn't really in the mood to eat breakfast so he decided to skip it. He grabbed his keys from the table But then he saw a note. He picked it up and read it.

"I don't need you at the meeting today so if you don't want to come to work then don't, your not need today - love, Henry ♡"

After William was done reading, William knew it would probably be best for him to stay home but he also knew that Henry isn't really good at talking to people. So he knew it would probably be a good thing for him to go but to keep his distance from Henry.

With that William left his house.

Once William finally made it to the restaurant, he walked in. As he walked in he was looking for Henry. He looked in Henry's office but he wasn't there. William found that weird because if Henry was having a meeting he would be in his office. William didn't want to bother Henry if he was done with the meeting so he decided to go to his office.

*A few minutes before William arrived*

"So Henry, is that all you can put on the down payment?" Said Robert a bit disappointed. "Ummmm-". "There are a few other people in line to buy the same place you want and they're offering more than you" "Ummm, here why don't we look around". Robert looked at him for a bit with a face of disappointment but agreed to it.

Henry and Robert walked around the restaurant for a bit. They stopped in front of the animatronics. "You made both correct?" asked Robert. "Yeah I did," "you told me you had a business partner, where is he at?" "Oh, William Ummm I think he's at home" "why?" "Ummm he's sick I think". Robert looked at Henry for a bit then said, "well if that's all you have to tell me I guess this meeting is over" "O-oh okay". Henry knew that Robert was probably not going to give them the place with the way the meeting went.

As they both walked back to Herny's office they ran into William.

"Hey William," said Henry. William looked at him and then at Robert. "You must be Robert" "Yes, and you are?" "Oh my name is William but most people call me Will". "Nice to meet you Will but I was about to head out" "Really, how do you feel about the money we offered?" "Like I told your friend, it's good but not the best-" "Well then, do I have to bring up the offer?". Robert looked at him with a smile, "maybe". Henry was looking at William because he knew they can't bring up the offer. William noticed Herny looking at him but ignored it and continued to talk. "Robert why don't you and I have a chat maybe we can land on a good pricing range". Robert crossed his arms and said, "Okay let's see what you got, Will".

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