3. Holding it

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Piss kink, rough-sex,

William and Henry are both married

This was a Request but they want to be anonymous :)

Enjoy and I hope I did it right :)


Heney was getting into yet another argument with his wife. "Would you shut up women," Henry says. "Don't talk to me like that, I'm your wife, for fucksakes Henry!" "Yeah, whatever," Henry replies to Rebecca, Henry starts to get up to leave. "Where do you think you are going? we aren't finished here" "I have to go to work, unlike some people" "you piece of shit" henry walked away as she finished her sentence. He walked to his car and started it up, as he left, he noticed the time was on his watch it was not 9:30 "Well looks like I'm late to work again" Henry says to himself. he pulled out of the driveway.

As Henry pulled into the parking lot and parked, he noticed that his business partner was there already because his purple vehicle was parked. Henry stepped out of his car to enter the dinner. As he walked into the restaurant, he saw kids running around, but he walked past them and the stage where the main animatronics that he built were. It was a pleasure for him to reach his office. "you finely got here" said a voice from behind Henry, so He turned around to see that it was William who was talking with him." oh it's just you" "yeah, and your almost a whole hour late again, henry" "sorry, William" "its fine hen, just try to get here on time tomorrow" "yeah, okay will" and with that William left to his office. Henry opened the door to his office. He walked in and took a seat. "Well let's see what I have to do," Henry said under his breath.

Time- 11:00

There was a knock at Henry's door. "Come In!" The door opens to show William walking in. "Oh hey, will" "hey" "what do you need?" "Well, I got some of your work" William put some paperwork on the desk facing Henry so he could read it. "Oh, I guess there is my paperwork" "so I think you might have some of my paperwork" "oh, let me check, for you" Henry looked into the sacked of paper that was on his desk. "I think I found some" Henry pulled some paper out of the sack and hand them to William. "Yeah, these are mine" "okay, is that all William" "yeah, but I have a question to ask you" "okay shoot then" "you have been showing up late, why is that hen?" "well, that's because..." "because of what henry?" "it just me and Rebecca relationship-" Henry was cut off by someone opening the door. "There you are Mr.Afton" it was one of the employees. "Yes, what Is it?" "your wife is here" "Clara?" "yeah, she brought something for you" "okay, I'll be right there" "okay, sir" William turned to look at Henry. "We will talk about this later, henry"  "okay, William" and with that William left the room and so did the employee. Henry was once again by himself in his office.

William walked out of Henry's office and walked down the hallway to his office. When he opened the door he was faced with his wife. " so what do you need deer?" "oh, nothing I just want to spend time with you" "I have things to do" "that's fine I'll just watch you work" "what about the kids?" "there still in school" "okay then" William kissed his wife and then sat in the chair on the other side of the desk. "So what, do you need to do?" "I just need to see how many hours each employee worked and how much each person gets paid." "so math?" "Yeah, I just do math" "can I help you?" "sure" Clara got up for the chair so she can get a better look at the paper. "So you need to just multiply the hour they worked to 7.50" "okay, that not that hard" "yeah, it not that hard but when you have done it 28 different times it gets you tried" "oh, that's a lot of employees" "yeah, but we need them all" "okay, let's gets start"

Time- 1:27

"Well I have to go will, I have to go pick up the kids" "okay, Clara" and with Clara left, but as she was going to open the door Henry was there about to knock. "Oh, hi Henry" "hey, Clara" "how are you?" "I'm doing okay" "well how your-" "Clara the kids?" William said cutting her off. "Oh, thats right I have to go pick up the kids" Clara walked past Henry and speed walked to the exit of the restaurant.

William x Henry one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now