Sword Art Online

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Sword Art Online is a virtual reality game in which many people are trapped in and die. Some people hate it and some people think that it's some kind of masterpiece.
I, however, am in the middle. It has good voice acting, soundtracks, and good animation.
However, there are also flaws.
Think for a minute about the plot...oops, what plot. Seriously what the FUCK is the plot!? No, it is NOT about some video game, it's about a romance that is IN THE FUCKING VIDEOS GAME. Also what makes me VERY FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE is that almost EVERY. SINGLE. GIRL. Wants to be with Kirito (the main character). I came into this anime expecting action, but
They had to fuck me over with this piece of shit.
Let's talk about the main characters now, shall we?
Kirito: An emo little bitch who says that he's a solo player when he keeps joining guilds and does nothing but cry for those who have died on him and is WAY TOO OVERPOWERED.
Asuna: At first they present Asuna as one of the most powerful players in the game. THEN as the story progresses they present her as some fucking tsundere who keeps having to rely on Kirito.
*sigh* I still don't see the reason why they even put a season 2.
Oh! That's another thing, season 2. It's bullshit, don't watch it.All they did was improve the action.
Overall, there are flaws, MANY FLAWS, but I am too tired to state them.
I list whatever the fuck I want and update whenever the fuck I want.

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