Chapter 10 The ghost

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It has been a month since I've heard from Diego. I guess he didn't want to talk, because it would hurt too much or maybe he didn't care anymore. I remember it all, like it was yesterday. I was standing there at the airport with my face buried in my hands and bawling my eyes out. Then having cam pick me up with my face hot and covered in tears. Then not sleeping at all for four days straight. I didn't go to school for a full week and my friends were starting to get worried. I needed to go to school wether I liked it or not. Through out the day it seemed like the world was just passing me by. When I was in class a couple of teachers were concerned for my mental health and called my mom. I knew that my mother had received the call from the school, but I guess she didn't seem to bother with the situation. Through out the classes I've come to the realization that everything seemed to continue. It didn't even seem like Diego was here. It was like Diego was a ghost that no one seems to even realize that he was here. After awhile I started watching his broadcast again and I was happy that he seemed better and happy again. The only thing I was worried about was if he was really happy. I knew how Diego acted and I knew that he buries he's feeling, because he doesn't want anyone else to worry about him. I knew why he didn't want anyone to worry about him anymore, but I still do even if he already forgot about me. When school ended I sluggishly walk home with my music on full blast. I played almost all of the songs by Mayday Parade, but the only song that I mostly listen to was stay. Once I arrived home I lied in my bed and stared at the ceiling. I was looking back on when me and Diego first met up to the point when he kissed me. I bury the palms of my hands into my face as tears were blurring my vision.

*ding* *ding*

I wiped my eyes to clear my vision as I looked who texted me. It was Diego. I was scared what he texted me as I unlock my phone. The first text was a long paragraph explaining how he was sorry for not speaking with me, and how he doesn't want to anymore so that he isn't giving himself false hope. Then the second thing he sent me was a link with a side note saying for when you're missing me. Confused, I open it up to a song. It was When you can't sleep at night by of mice and men. After that I never heard from Diego again.

A/N ~ hey readers! Thanks so much for reading to the end of my story! Hope you enjoyed it and stay beautiful :3

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