"Momo" if Devon calls Amber that, she will never talk to him again. I remember the first day I gave her that nickname...it was the last day I ever used it again. Ah good memories...the hospital staff were very nice people when they were treating me.

"That's...original" he sounded perplexed but didn't say anything else. Now back to making my way to Avan, I finally felt his legs. I moved my hands up to grip his arms for support and then I plopped myself on his lap and gave him a hug.

"Uh Ciara"

"Yes Devon" I grinned and then frowned.

I squeezed Avan's arms and it seems to me it has gone squishy, not the same hard biceps I felt before. "Um Avan...not to be mean or anything but your arms have gone flabby" Someone gasped, I didn't know who it was, maybe someone was already in here? But I did know that Avan and Devon were laughing.

"Why are you laughing Avan? You'll go jiggly if you let your body stay like this" I scolded him and poked him in the stomach. I gasped "What happened to your abs?! There gone!"

No, No, NO!

This is not happening!


"You've got a pot mini belly! Why!" I began to cry and then I was suddenly pushed off his lap. I landed on my ass on the floor "Hey what you do that for?!" I shouted and then started to rub my sore bum.

"For your information-" That didn't sound like Avan "-Anya makes really good food that I can't resist, so it's not my fault that it stayed in my body!"

"Um...Kevin?" I asked tilting my head in a confused way.

"Yes" he growled and then started to walk away; it was hard not to notice since he was stomping. Avan and Devon were still laughing, very hard might I add. "Awkward..." thank God I was blindfolded, I wouldn't want to see Kevin's glare.

I went on all fours and crawled my way to Avan, listening to the sound of his laughter. My head bumped into legs, I patted my arms on them and asked "This is Avan right?" to answer my question, familiar strong arms easily picked me up from the floor and placed me on their lap.

I laid my head on Avan's chest which was still rumbling from little chuckles, "Do you think Kevin's alright?" I softly asked. "He'll be fine, probably off to find Anya." Avan started to rub my back slowly "So what's this idea of you being blind?"

"Oh I have decided to see what it would be like to be blind for a day, so from the moment I woke up, I put on the blindfold and did my daily things...but then I had to take it off to bath and put on my clothes because that would have been awkward to walk outside with mismatching clothes" I nervously giggled and Avan chuckled.

"But I did put it on after that and I did have breakfast with it on" I sounded so proud of myself, I just didn't tell Avan that I accidentally pushed my plate of the table and poured juice on Fido instead in my glass. All in all, breakfast was a failure and Aunt Clara was more than happy for me to leave the house.

So I broke her favorite China, I'll buy a new one in Walmart. I don't know what she's complaining about.


"Only you Ciara...only you" I had no idea what Avan meant so I just let it go. "You know, you are going to teach me how to walk around the house without hitting things" I told him and then started to rub my face in his chest like a cat. I would so be purring right now if I was one.

"Stop that Kitty, or else I'm going to have to take you to my room" his voice went deep and husky as he tipped my chin up with his finger and brushed against my lips.

Blindly Running into TroubleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя