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After a long, awkward drive up to Tyler's father's log cabin, we finally arrive late Friday night. It's not just a cabin though, no. It's a giant log mansion really. Three stories with giant pillars on the front porch and a balcony. I get out to stretch as Chase and Lindsey climb out of the backseat. "Thanks for inviting us! This is gonna be great!"

I chuckled at Lindsey as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder, "of course. Honestly, Tyler's dad is a little intense and would be nice to have someone else we know here."

She pulled me closer to her as the boys got the bags out of the back of the car, "so you and Tyler? Yes or no? Chase says yes, but I can't tell."

"The answer is no, Lindsey." I shake my head vehemently, "we are just friends."

"Huh." She watches me for a moment before sighing, "I was sure you were hung up about someone. If not Tyler, then who?" I hadn't told her about Sebastian, knowing she would judge me. Tyler was the only one that knew and vowed not to say anything to anyone about it.

"Let's get inside. Not sure who's here yet and we need to claim bedrooms." I'm happy when Tyler interrupts us, seeming to have heard our conversation. He seems to be swooping in to help me recently. I nod at him with a smile as I take my bag from him to follow him in.

"Son." Steve greets us as we enter and I can see Sebastian and Vanessa chatting quietly, and heatedly, on the other side of the room. I watch him grip her elbow to lead her into another room.

"Father. We're going to choose rooms and head to bed. Anyone else here yet besides Vanessa?"

"Not yet. Greg said he would be here tomorrow with some of his friends."

I ignore the fact that he seems to be watching mostly me as I grip onto Tyler's hand firmer. He seemed to understand, moving slightly so he was in front of me, "we'll talk tomorrow. Night."


We followed Tyler up to the top floor of the house where he opened two bedrooms right next to each other. He pointed to the one on the left, looking at Chase, "you guys can take this room. Unless you want to do girls and boys?"

Chase looked at Lindsey for her to make the decision. "Um.. couple rooms is fine." She looked back at Tyler, "and she's right, your dad is intense. Why was he glaring at Anna that way?"

Tyler shrugged, "I'm not sure. Let's just all get some sleep."

I followed Tyler into the second bedroom, "this your normal room?"

"Yeah. I like to be away from everyone else normally."

I nodded, suddenly nervous, "maybe I should have my own room?"

He laughed, "come on. I've seen you in only a t-shirt, even if it wasn't mine. Though this weekend it could be mine." He pulled off his shirt before tossing it to me, making me laugh. "We're just friends. Worried you're going to fall in love with me if you sleep next to me?"

I chuckled as Tyler crossed the room to crowd my space, wrapping his arms around my waist, "love? No? Lust.. maybe. It's been a while since I've had sex. And Sebastian is here somewhere. So I might be a little keyed up already."

Tyler laughed, "really? Well he isn't here somewhere." He released me to open our door to point to the other end of the hall, "he's in the room across the way." He closed the door, grinning at me, "and if you want to use me for sex, by all means princess. Do your worst."

I shook my head, "I don't want to ruin our friendship. We can sleep in the same bed and behave. Or at least, I can."

"Sure." He got undressed to his boxers, forcing me to watch him as he kept his gaze on me before crawling into the bed under the blanket.

"Rude." I stood at the end of the bed, undressing down to my bra and panties as Tyler watched me, clenching his jaw as his brows furrowed. I pulled his shirt on over my head, "two can play that game." I climbed into the bed beside him as he groaned.

"Yeah alright, you win. Go to sleep princess."

I giggled, reaching over to turn off the lamp on my side of the bed before moving to lay my head on his chest. I heard him sigh but kiss the top of my head before resting his head on mine.


It's dark when I wake up, Tyler still snoring beside me. I check my phone to see it just after 5:30. I groan, crawling out of bed without waking him up. I use the flashlight on my phone to find some shorts in my suitcase before sneaking out of the room quietly to use the restroom I noticed when we arrived on the third floor. Once I finished, I pulled on the shorts and tied Tyler's shirt to the side before going to the kitchen to make breakfast. I just finished breakfast when I heard the front door open, voices carrying to the kitchen. I entered the foyer to find Greg and two other men with him, laughing and talking. They went silent when they noticed me, causing me to blush as the two guys seemed to both linger in taking me in. "Morning. I don't know if you guys are hungry, but I made some eggs and bacon and toast." I didn't wait for a response, but heard them murmuring as I re-entered the kitchen. I heard them follow me as I began to clean up a little. I pointed to the coffee machine, "I also made coffee."

"Alright!" The shortest of the three men, yet still miles taller than me went right for the coffee pot first.

"Um... I'm Anna." I looked at Greg, "you're Greg, right? We met at the gala last weekend?"

He nodded, "right. I um.." He pointed to the eggs, "I'm allergic to eggs. But I'll have some bacon and toast."

I grinned, handing him a plate, "sorry."

He shrugged, "don't worry about it. Just didn't want you to think I was being rude." He motioned to his two friends, "these are friends of mine from work, Tommy and Harrison."

The shorter one with shaggy red hair grinned and offered me his hand, "you can call me Harry if you like."

Greg gestured to me, "she's dating the Baxter kid."

I groaned, seeing Tyler enter the kitchen behind the guys, answering for me, "we aren't dating. We're just friends."

Greg laughed, "then why is she wearing your shirt?"

I shrugged, "we're close." I ignored their snickers, turning to Tyler, "I made breakfast. I'm an early riser. I'm going to take a shower though."

Professor Series - Sebastian Stan 🩵Where stories live. Discover now