Chapter 18 || Friday night, date night.

Magsimula sa umpisa

It was 5:45pm when I left the bathroom and saw Paul sat on the end of the bed on his phone. He had planned on wearing a white shit and black jeans. He was wearing black jeans along with some black boots like I was, but instead of a white shirt it was black, he had changed his mind just before he got dressed. Unlike mine though it had short sleeves. It suited him well and I weirdly enjoyed seeing his tattoo poking out ever so slightly under his sleeve. His attention turned to me and he gave me a sort of quick smile before looking back at his phone. Not a second later Paul lifted his head back up to look at me, closer and for longer this time. Did I look bad? His face told me no, because he didn't look disgusted. He looked... happy? Or admiring maybe might be the word? Or is that what I'm hoping for so that's what I'm seeing? I stood there awkwardly before Paul stood up, walking over to me and laying both his hands on my arms, rubbing from my shoulders to my wrists and back again. "You look good Reesh. Very handsome." I felt myself sigh in relief for a moment but it was cut off by Paul leaning up and giving me a light kiss. 

When it turned 6 me and Paul left to go to the restaurant. We got someone to drive us as undoubtedly we'd be drinking and we also didn't have a car to take ourselves. We arrived at the restaurant and I saw Paul looking almost hesitant. "Liebechen, what's the matter?" Paul shook his head and gave me a smile, it was obviously put on for my benefit, "No, nothing. It's stupid to be thinking this Richard, especially now." This made me more concerned, Paul never keeps anything from me, "No Paul. Tell me. Please." Paul seemed to be hesitant, he took maybe 20 or so seconds before admitting, "Well no ones knows about us besides who we've told. What if someone who recognises us sees us and takes a picture or something then we're forced to tell everyone like with the guys. I don't want that Richard." I shuffled closer to Paul and held his hand gently, "My Paulchen, I have all that sorted. Now, come on. You have nothing to be worried about."

We got out of the car, Paul following behind me. When I got into the restaurant I told them my name and I saw Paul was looking around now. Inside there was a desk with a woman sat behind it, who you told your name to for your reservation. Then to the left was a wall of lockers and a long corridor on the right. I have never been here before but I at least knew what it was. We would be eating in the dark. As much as I wanted to see Pauls handsome face almost constantly, this would be a stress free way. No one would be able to see us to recognise us. There are many other people in the city called Paul and Richard so that obviously didn't matter. And it also kept a bit of pressure off of us being starred at by one another.

A man came and greeted us, telling us to put our things which give off light into one of the many lockers. Paul was now looking very confused, but seemed to trust me when I gave him a reassuring smile. The waiter told me to take his shoulder, so I did. And then he told Paul to take my shoulder, which Paul did hesitantly. I could almost feel the uncertainty through his hand.

Being led down the hallway it quickly went from I can see, to its absolutely pitch black. We were sat at our table and I heard the waiter walk away. Around us I could clearly hear other people talking, almost as if my hearing had heightened with the lack of vision already. Now Paul spoke finally, "So, this is your plan? We eat in the dark and no one will know?" In his voice I could clearly hear he had a smile on his face so I replied with one of my own, "Yep. And when we're leaving this is more explainable. We can just say we wanted food and some weird experience. That's easier to explain away than a fancy couples restaurant." I chuckled and laid my hands on the table. I could hear Paul shuffle. One thing this will make hard is seeing if he was happy and smiling or not, unless he was talking. You could always hear the smile in Pauls voice. His smile always came from deep within and spread throughout his whole body. That's why I loved it.

Once we settled and got used to the dark, our conversation began to flow. We talked about many things. Some random stuff. Some more music related. Some personal stuff, although there isn't much we don't know about each other at this point in our lives. The food was good, weird tasting and eating with out seeing but it definitely enhanced the rest of your senses. We had finished our food and were ready to go so we got escorted out by the same man who brought us in here. My eyes burnt as the light hit them after so much time, but they soon adjusted again. Looking at Paul once again his handsome features lit up by a wide smile as he got his phone out of the locker.

We left, getting into the same car that had brought us with the same driver, and he took us back to the hotel. On the way back we made a quick stop to a small shop, bought some snacks like I said we would. Paul got popcorn, a bag of chewy sweets and a few bottles of his favourite beers. I did the same but got some chocolate instead of sweets. Think about it we hadn't actually drank a lot.. Anyway, soon we arrived back at the hotel.

Going into the room we both jumped onto the bed, limbs flying around as we fell on our backs. We laid in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Paul sat up, pretending to pull himself up with imaginary air and a groan. "I'm going to get changed, shirts and jeans aren't good lounging wear."
"True. I'll do the same." 

5 minutes later we were both laid back on the bed, Paul in an over sized top and shorts, and me in the same. Cuddled up under the blankets watching a random movie, eating some of the snacks and drinking some of the bottles. Maybe half an hour into the movie I couldn't help but stop watching it all together and look at Paul. He looked so warm. So cuddly. Sweet and kind. So bright even when just sat there, watching a movie. I sat for a few minutes silently admiring him before he smirked, "I know you're staring at me Reesh. Why?" He turned and looked at me, still smirking. I felt a small warmth spread across my cheeks and I hoped I wasn't bright red like I felt. "Oh uh. I was just, uhm, looking. I guess. Sorry Paul." Paul shook his head and leaned up slightly, peaking my warm cheeks. "It's fine Reesh. I'm just playing." I leaned down to give him a kiss, happy he'd not had any real annoyance at me. The kiss got slightly deeper and I felt Pauls hands creeping down my body, hands slipping under my t shirt. He shuffled to be sat more upright and so did I, understanding this was a better angle for both of us to be comfortable in. I pulled back from the kiss and Paul took that chance to lift up my t shirt, taking it off and running his hands along my shoulders. He gave my neck small kisses, his hands running down to my waist, playing with the band of my shorts. My stomach started to stir with anticipation and I could feel myself becoming more and more turned on by the second. When Paul first ran his hand over my crotch, I couldn't help but groan at the sudden touch, even if it was just light. I felt as though Paul felt a little more confident than the first time, his touches more thoughtfully placed as if he was learning what was enjoyable. Next to come off was his t-shirt that I eagerly pealed away from his body, throwing it somewhere unknown in the room as my eyes were too occupied admiring Pauls exposed upper body. Thinking about my attraction to men, which is really only Paul, I think his body type is most appealing to me. Slender but not skinny, just the right amount of muscle and flesh.

Paul was perfect to Richard.


sorry this was a late update, my sister had a baby! i had to help out a lot lol

by the way, next chapter is going to be very... spicy. so if you don't want to read it, don't [: but i'd recommend reading the end because it's important and cute honestly [: but thats for next sunday haha

see ya guys ♡

Mein Sonnenschein.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon